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Live replay: ADI Shijian: ADI empowers Industry 4.0 - Promoting PLC/DCS technology innovation

Total of 1 lesson ,1 hours and 5 minutes and 56 seconds

The industrial control system is a business process management and control system that ensures the automated operation, process control and monitoring of industrial infrastructure, consisting of various automation control components and process control components that collect and monitor real-time data. Its core components include Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA), Distributed Control System (DCS), Programmable Controller (PLC), Remote Terminal (RTU), Human-Machine Interface Equipment (HMI), and devices that ensure communication between components. interface technology. Among them, DCS and PLC play core functions such as data processing and execution in the system. ADI has always pursued continuous innovation to empower various industries. What this speech brings to you is ADI's innovative technologies applied in industrial DCS and PLC to help the industry revolution and realize Industry 4.0.

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