Mr. High Speed Original Article | Wang HuidongPreface:If you love someone, please ask him to make high-speed PCB ; if you hate someone, ask him to make high-speed PCB.At the beginning, I was also very
I am confused when I read a serial port initialization program. int Uart_Init(LPC_INT8U PortNum, LPC_UART_config_t *Config){…………} How can I set the BaudRate to 115200 and pass other parameters to the
::SetWindowPos(m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, x, y, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); Why does this function work for some windows, but not for others? If I click outside the window, the window fal
I want to know when to lay ground under the crystal oscillator and when not? Do I need to lay ground when the frequency is high?Also, are some LC oscillators treated the same way as crystal oscillator
[color=#454545][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial] The emergency light introduced in this article is usually connected to the mains and is in a fully charged standby state. Only when the mains suddenly fa