FollowMe Season 2: 3 - Getting Started with the EK_RA6M5 Development Board

FollowMe Season 2: 3 - Getting Started with the EK_RA6M5 Development Board


Follow me is a large-scale development board experience event jointly initiated by DigiKey and EEWorld. In each issue, technical experts recommend development boards/instrument kits that are easy to play and learn, and take everyone to actually operate. Participants can return cards after completing the tasks. There are four events in this season, and this event is the third one.

Total of 1 lessons1 hours and 1 minutes and 58 seconds

FollowMe Season 2: 2 - Arduino UNO R4 Wi-Fi and Tasks

FollowMe Season 2: 2 - Arduino UNO R4 Wi-Fi and Tasks


Follow me is a large-scale development board experience event jointly initiated by DigiKey and EEWorld. In each issue, technical experts recommend development boards/instrument kits that are easy to play and learn, and take everyone to actually operate. Participants can return cards after completing the tasks. There are four events in this season, and this event is the second one.

Total of 1 lessons35 minutes and 59 seconds

Live replay: FollowMe 4 W5500-EVB-Pico Getting Started

Live replay: FollowMe 4 W5500-EVB-Pico Getting Started


"Follow me activity" is a one-year activity launched by DigiKey and EEWORLD to "learn technology from technology experts and get cash back for completing tasks". There are 4 issues in 2023. Every three months, technical experts will recommend development boards/instrument kits with strong playability and learnability, and lead everyone to practice them.

Total of 1 lessons38 minutes and 2 seconds

Live replay: FollowMe 3 Unlock the superpowers of development boards with Digi-Key

Live replay: FollowMe 3 Unlock the superpowers of development boards with Digi-Key


"Follow me activity" is a one-year activity launched by DigiKey and EEWORLD to "learn technology from technology experts and get cash back for completing tasks". There are 4 issues in 2023. Every three months, technical experts will recommend development boards/instrument kits with strong playability and learnability, and lead everyone to practice them. This video is the replay of FollowMe’s third live broadcast.

Total of 1 lessons45 minutes and 13 seconds

Digi-Key: Follow Me Series (2) Live Replay

Digi-Key: Follow Me Series (2) Live Replay


"Follow me activity" is a one-year activity launched by DigiKey and EEWORLD to "learn technology from technology experts and complete tasks with cash back and reimbursement". There are 4 issues in 2023. Every three months, technical experts will recommend development boards/instrument kits with strong playability and learnability, and lead everyone to practice them. This is the second event. The live broadcast will show everyone how to operate the Adafruit ESP32-S3 TFT Feather development board.

Total of 1 lessons1 hours and 11 minutes and 3 seconds




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