"Follow me activity" is a one-year activity launched by DigiKey and EEWORLD to "learn technology from technology experts and get cash back for completing tasks". There are 4 issues in 2023. Every three months, technical experts will recommend development boards/instrument kits with strong playability and learnability, and lead everyone to practice them. This video is the replay of FollowMe’s third live broadcast.
Can anyone help me take a look? I don't know where I'm wrong!!! I think there's nothing wrong with the theory. There's nothing wrong with the simulation! But I don't know why the NE5534B explodes as s
The class view is empty; the solution explorer only has project.bib, project.dat, project.db, project.reg and files in the installation directory. The class view in VC++6.0 has all the files generated
I have implemented the OBEX Bluetooth client, but I don't know how to implement the server. Can anyone who has done this tell me the general method? Thank you.
:) There are 2 232, 1 CAN, and several IOs. The power input is up to 80V, but the actual welding voltage is 50V, and the 24V battery is enough, haha. The company's products, the specific design inform
Can an expert explain what is going on? I don't understand whether I can write data to the GPIO port? Is it wrong to write it this way? I am using TI's C2000 Launchpad F28027, compiled with CCSv5.3. I