Overview of Atmel SAMA5D3 series (1)

Overview of Atmel SAMA5D3 series (1)


Introducing new features, such as PMIC solutions, which are more reliable. It also introduces the use of the SAM5D3 Xplained development board and the entire SAM5D3 ecosystem.

Total of 1 lessons19 minutes and 12 seconds

Atmel SAM D21 PTC noise suppression function (1)

Atmel SAM D21 PTC noise suppression function (1)

AtmelPTCNoise suppressionD21

The standards for noise sources and noise suppression, as well as the parameters used, how to change these parameters for different noise situations, and how to have good performance under 10 V traditional interference.

Total of 1 lessons6 minutes and 26 seconds

Atmel SAM D21 PTC noise suppression function (2)

Atmel SAM D21 PTC noise suppression function (2)

AtmelPTCNoise SuppressionD21

The standards for noise sources and noise suppression, as well as the parameters used, how to change these parameters for different noise situations, and how to have good performance under 10 V traditional interference.

Total of 1 lessons19 minutes and 32 seconds

Atmel SAM D21 PTC noise suppression function (3)

Atmel SAM D21 PTC noise suppression function (3)

AtmelD21USB interface

The standards for noise sources and noise suppression, as well as the parameters used, how to change these parameters for different noise situations, and how to have good performance under 10 V traditional interference.

Total of 1 lessons6 minutes and 51 seconds

Atmel SAM D21 USB interface module (2)

Atmel SAM D21 USB interface module (2)

AtmelD21USB interface

SAM D21 USB module introduction, features and precautions, USB host MSC bootloader process.

Total of 1 lessons20 minutes and 4 seconds

Atmel SAM D21 USB interface module (1)

Atmel SAM D21 USB interface module (1)

AtmelD21USB interface

SAM D21 USB module introduction, features and precautions, USB host MSC bootloader process.

Total of 1 lessons20 minutes and 14 seconds

Atmel|SMART MPU based on Cortex core (3)

Atmel|SMART MPU based on Cortex core (3)

AtmelCortex MPU

Atmel ARM-Based Embedded MPU - ARM Cortex-A5 and ARM926EJ-S based embedded MPU is easy to use...

Total of 1 lessons20 minutes and 28 seconds

Atmel|SMART MPU based on Cortex core (2)

Atmel|SMART MPU based on Cortex core (2)

AtmelCortex MPU

Atmel ARM-based Embedded MPU - ARM Cortex-A5 and ARM926EJ-S based embedded MPU is easy to use......

Total of 1 lessons27 minutes and 30 seconds

Atmel|SMART MPU based on Cortex core (1)

Atmel|SMART MPU based on Cortex core (1)

AtmelCortex MPU

Atmel ARM-based Embedded MPU - ARM Cortex-A5 and ARM926EJ-S based embedded MPU is easy to use.....

Total of 1 lessons28 minutes and 16 seconds

Atmel 8-bit AVR Product Overview

Atmel 8-bit AVR Product Overview


From the perspective of ease of use, low power consumption and high integration, Atmel AVR 8-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers serve as...

Total of 1 lessons

Atmel’s direct visit at the 2014 CES booth

Atmel’s direct visit at the 2014 CES booth


Atmel's first look at the 2014 CES show: See more of Atmel's dazzling exhibits.

Total of 1 lessons59 seconds

Introduction to Qt Quick and QML

Introduction to Qt Quick and QML


Introduction to Qt Quick and QML

Total of 1 lessons8 minutes and 21 seconds




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