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Atmel|SMART MPU based on Cortex core (2)

Total of 1 lesson ,27 minutes and 30 seconds

Atmel ARM-based Embedded MPUs - ARM Cortex-A5 and ARM926EJ-S based embedded MPUs are easy to use and ideal for cost-sensitive applications. Features include: Performance up to 850DMIPS operating at 536MHz, floating point unit (FPU) and Neon for faster data processing and improved accuracy. Market-leading low power consumption, consuming less than 150 mW when running at maximum speed and less than 0.5 mW when running in low-power mode. Powerful peripherals including USB high-speed hosts and devices, Gigabit Ethernet, CAN, TFT LCD controllers, camera interfaces, and more. Robust and reliable security features thanks to hardware encryption engine, secure boot, external DDR encryption, tamper pins, ARM Trust Zone and more. Free Linux and Android distribution packages and a comprehensive partner ecosystem for additional hardware and software solutions.

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