Smart crutches

Smart crutches

Smart Cane

Introduction to smart crutches project

Total of 2 lessons8 minutes and 11 seconds

"Learn MSP430 in Ten Days" video tutorial

"Learn MSP430 in Ten Days" video tutorial


"Learning MSP430 in Ten Days" will make you reach a higher level in the world of microcontrollers. This video explains to you the operation of the learning board, knowledge of each functional module of the MSP430 microcontroller, and all simple and comprehensive programs on the learning board, allowing you to master the development and application of the MSP430 microcontroller step by step.

Total of 21 lessons17 hours and 40 minutes and 51 seconds

An introduction to PIC microcontrollers for newbies

An introduction to PIC microcontrollers for newbies


Total of 8 lessons47 minutes and 51 seconds

Atomic teaches you how to play STM32

Atomic teaches you how to play STM32


From the shallower to the deeper, we will lead you into the world of STM32. This video is not only very suitable for students and electronics enthusiasts to learn STM32, but its large number of experiments and detailed explanations are also the best reference for the company's product developers.

Total of 30 lessons15 hours and 6 minutes and 56 seconds

Introduction to Toshiba Stepper Motor Drivers

Introduction to Toshiba Stepper Motor Drivers

ToshibaStepper Motor

Total of 1 lessons4 minutes and 39 seconds

Inverter control of Toshiba brushless motor

Inverter control of Toshiba brushless motor

ToshibaBrushless motor

This information is intended for personnel engaged in brushless motor control.

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 50 seconds

Teach you step by step how to learn 51 microcontroller

Teach you step by step how to learn 51 microcontroller

Microcontroller51 microcontrollerVideo tutorial

Lecturer: Teacher Yin Yanhui

Total of 63 lessons2 days and 49 minutes and 40 seconds

Record of ST-EEWORLD offline netizen meeting

Record of ST-EEWORLD offline netizen meeting

Total of 3 lessons2 hours and 22 minutes and 29 seconds

Commemorative video of Tianjin University’s 3rd Freescale Cup Smart Car Competition

Commemorative video of Tianjin University’s 3rd Freescale Cup Smart Car Competition

Freescalesmart car

Commemorative video of Tianjin University’s 3rd Freescale Cup Smart Car Competition

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 30 seconds

C51 microcontroller development practice - intelligent tracking car

C51 microcontroller development practice - intelligent tracking car

MicrocontrollerC51Intelligent tracking car

An important way to learn C51 microcontroller is application practice. Through this course, you can learn the cooperative use of PWM technology, interrupts, infrared modules and motor modules, and have a deeper understanding of individual technologies. In addition, students will also learn solutions to engineering projects to provide assistance for subsequent independent development.

Total of 5 lessons42 minutes and 55 seconds

First introduction to microcontroller

First introduction to microcontroller


As the application prospects of microcontrollers are becoming more and more extensive, more and more people are learning microcontrollers. Because of its simple structure and stable operation, the 51 microcontroller has become the first choice for many microcontroller beginners. This course is designed to lead beginners to understand the structure and development process of the 51 microcontroller, so that everyone can get started learning the 51 microcontroller.

Total of 3 lessons16 minutes and 18 seconds

C51 microcontroller development practice - smoke alarm

C51 microcontroller development practice - smoke alarm

MicrocontrollerC51Smoke detector

The important way to learn microcontrollers is to apply them through practice. Through this course, you can learn the use of photoelectric, gas-sensing---MQ2 sensors, adc modules, as well as some development skills of microcontroller engineering, and have a deeper understanding of individual technologies. Help with subsequent study.

Total of 5 lessons43 minutes and 30 seconds

MSP430 assembly programming

MSP430 assembly programming


Produced by Lierda Company, MSP430 assembly programming

Total of 3 lessons59 minutes and 14 seconds

MSP430 command system

MSP430 command system


MSP430 command system

Total of 3 lessons54 minutes and 53 seconds

51 microcontroller series video

51 microcontroller series video

Embedded51 microcontroller

51 microcontroller series video

Total of 62 lessons2 days and 38 minutes and 29 seconds

Teach you step by step how to learn 51 microcontroller and Proteus

Teach you step by step how to learn 51 microcontroller and Proteus

51 microcontrollerProteus

Teach you step by step how to learn 51 microcontroller and Proteus, produced by Ideal Zhixin Technology, lectured by Li Xiang

Total of 33 lessons18 hours and 26 minutes and 25 seconds

Beihang Microcontroller Video Tutorial

Beihang Microcontroller Video Tutorial

MicrocontrollerBeihang University

Beihang Microcontroller Video Tutorial

Total of 12 lessons10 hours and 1 minutes and 53 seconds

NXP Greater China Industry Summit Forum

NXP Greater China Industry Summit Forum


NXP Greater China Industry Summit Forum

Total of 6 lessons10 minutes and 48 seconds

MIPS related videos

MIPS related videos


MIPS related videos

Total of 9 lessons25 minutes and 55 seconds

PSoC Creative Project Display: Smartphone Battery Charger Based on PSoC3

PSoC Creative Project Display: Smartphone Battery Charger Based on PSoC3

battery chargerCypressPSoC

PSoC creative project display: Smartphone battery charger based on PSoC3-Shandong University

Total of 2 lessons2 minutes and 39 seconds

How to use lookup tables to generate state machines in PSoC 3/5

How to use lookup tables to generate state machines in PSoC 3/5

CypressPSoCPSoC Creator

This video introduces the method of using PSoC Creator software to generate a state machine in PSoC 3/5 through a lookup table.

Total of 1 lessons6 minutes and 39 seconds

Dual motor control using PSoC3

Dual motor control using PSoC3

motor controlStepper MotorCypressPSoC3

This video introduces and demonstrates how to use PSoC3 to control two stepper motors simultaneously.

Total of 1 lessons5 minutes and 47 seconds

Identification error when designing USB HID device with PSoC

Identification error when designing USB HID device with PSoC


This video introduces a method to solve the "recognition error" problem when designing USB HID devices using PSoC.

Total of 1 lessons4 minutes and 37 seconds

Infineon XC82x83x series product introduction

Infineon XC82x83x series product introduction


Infineon XC82x83x series product introduction

Total of 1 lessons37 minutes and 40 seconds

MSP430 development resources: source code, application notes, reference designs, etc.

MSP430 development resources: source code, application notes, reference designs, etc.

MSP430OFMCUsource code

MSP430 development resources: source code, application notes, reference designs, etc.

Total of 1 lessons2 minutes and 56 seconds

MSP430 microcontroller peripheral module-LCD

MSP430 microcontroller peripheral module-LCD


MSP430 microcontroller peripheral module-LCD [Lierda]

Total of 1 lessons14 minutes and 3 seconds

Getting Started with MSP430 LaunchPad

Getting Started with MSP430 LaunchPad


Getting Started with MSP430 LaunchPad

Total of 1 lessons18 minutes and 6 seconds

Introduction to peripheral modules of MSP430

Introduction to peripheral modules of MSP430


Introduction to peripheral modules of MSP430

Total of 1 lessons26 minutes and 11 seconds




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