- /*****************************************************************
- //File name: 12864.c
- //Description: This file defines various interfaces and functions related to 12864, applicable to MSP430F149
- //Written by: Xiaoxie@清水
- //Version number: 2.01
- *****************************************************************/
- #include
- #include "12864.h"
- #define uchar unsigned char
- #define uint unsigned int
- #define BIT(x) (1 << (x))
- unsigned char NUM[] = {"0123456789."};
- uchar Address[4][8] = {
- {0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87},
- {0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97},
- {0x88,0x89,0x8a,0x8b,0x8c,0x8d,0x8e,0x8f},
- {0x98,0x99,0x9a,0x9b,0x9c,0x9d,0x9e,0x9f}
- };
- /*****************************************************************
- //Some macro definitions about 12864
- //Note: All data must be changed according to the actual IO port used
- *****************************************************************/
- #define CS 0 //CS = P3.0
- #define SID 1 //SID = P3.1
- #define CLK 2 //CLK = P3.2
- #define PORT P3OUT
- #define DIR P3DIR
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: delay_Nus
- //Parameter: delay time n
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Delay time n Ns
- *************************************************************************/
- void delay_Nus(uint n)
- {
- flying i;
- for(i = n;i > 0;i--)
- _NOP();
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: delay_1ms
- //Parameters: None
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Delay 1 ms
- *************************************************************************/
- void delay_1ms(void)
- {
- flying i;
- for(i = 150;i > 0;i--) _NOP();
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: delay_Nms
- //Parameter: delay time n
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Delay 1 ms
- *************************************************************************/
- void delay_Nms(uint n)
- {
- uint i = 0;
- for(i = n;i > 0;i--)
- delay_1ms();
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: LcdInit
- //Parameters: None
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Initialize 12864
- *************************************************************************/
- void LcdInit(void)
- {
- DIR |= BIT(CLK) + BIT(SID) + BIT(CS); //The corresponding bit port is set to output
- delay_Nms(100); //Delay to wait for LCD to reset
- Send(0,0x30); //Function setting: send 8 bits of data at a time, basic instruction set
- delay_Nus(72);
- Send(0,0x02); //DDRAM address reset
- delay_Nus(72);
- Send(0,0x0c); //Display setting: turn on display, do not display cursor, do not highlight and flash the current display position
- delay_Nus(72);
- Send(0,0x01); //Clear the screen and adjust the DDRAM address counter to "00H"
- delay_Nus(72);
- Send(0,0x06); //Function setting, point setting: display characters/cursor shifts from left to right, DDRAM address plus 1
- delay_Nus(72);
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: Send
- //Parameter: data type type: 0--control command, 1--display data, transdata--sent data
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Send a byte of data to 12864, which can be used to control the display
- *************************************************************************/
- void Send(uchar type,uchar transdata)
- {
- fly firstbyte = 0xf8;
- flying tempo;
- fly i,j = 3;
- if(type) firstbyte |= 0x02;
- PORT |= BIT(CS);
- PORT &= ~BIT(CLK);
- while(j > 0)
- {
- if(j == 3) temp = firstbyte;
- else if(j == 2) temp = transdata&0xf0;
- else temp = (transdata << 4) & 0xf0;
- for(i = 8;i > 0;i--)
- {
- if(temp & 0x80) PORT |= BIT(SID);
- else PORT &= ~BIT(SID);
- temp <<= 1;
- PORT &= ~BIT(CLK);
- } // There must be enough delay between the three bytes, otherwise timing problems may occur
- if(j == 3) delay_Nus(600);
- else delay_Nus(200);
- j--;
- }
- PORT &= ~BIT(SID);
- PORT &= ~BIT(CS);
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: Clear_GDRAM
- //Parameter: data type type: 0--control command, 1--display data, transdata--sent data
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Send a byte of data to 12864, which can be used to control the display
- *************************************************************************/
- void Clear_GDRAM(void)
- {
- flying i,j,k;
- Send(0,0x34); //Open the extended instruction set
- i = 0x80;
- for(j = 0;j < 32;j++)
- {
- Send(0,i++);
- Send(0,0x80);
- for(k = 0;k < 16;k++)
- {
- Send(1,0x00);
- }
- }
- i = 0x80;
- for(j = 0;j < 32;j++)
- {
- Send(0,i++);
- Send(0,0x88);
- for(k = 0;k < 16;k++)
- {
- Send(1,0x00);
- }
- }
- Send(0,0x30); //Return to basic instruction set
- }
- [page]
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: WriteStr
- //Parameters: display address addr, pointer to data to be displayed, display length
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Display the string at the specified position 12864, including Chinese characters
- The characters in the ASCII code table can be displayed, but the length should be halved
- *************************************************************************/
- void WriteStr(uchar addr,const uchar * pt,uchar num)
- {
- flying i;
- Send(0,addr);
- for(i = 0;i < (num*2);i++)
- Send(1,*(pt++));
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: DrawPic
- //Parameter: pointer to the image to be displayed
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Draw a picture on the entire screen
- *************************************************************************/
- void DrawPic(const uchar *ptr)
- {
- flying i,j,k;
- Send(0,0x34); //Open the extended instruction set
- i = 0x80;
- for(j = 0;j < 32;j++)
- {
- Send(0,i++);
- Send(0,0x80);
- for(k = 0;k < 16;k++)
- {
- Send(1,*ptr++);
- }
- }
- i = 0x80;
- for(j = 0;j < 32;j++)
- {
- Send(0,i++);
- Send(0,0x88);
- for(k = 0;k < 16;k++)
- {
- Send(1,*ptr++);
- }
- }
- Send(0,0x36); //Open drawing display
- Send(0,0x30); //Return to basic instruction set
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: Draw1Pic
- //Parameters: Yaddr--Y address, Xaddr--X address
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Draw a 16*16 graphic on the LCD
- *************************************************************************/
- void Draw1Pic(volat Memory,volat Hd,const volat * dp)
- {
- flying j;
- uchar k = 0;
- Send(0,0x34); //Use extended instruction set to turn off drawing display
- for(j = 0;j < 16;j++)
- {
- Send(0,Yaddr++); //Y address
- Send(0,Xaddr); //X address
- Send(1,dp[k++]); //Send two bytes of display data
- Send(1,dp[k++]);
- }
- Send(0,0x36); //Open drawing display
- Send(0,0x30); //Return to basic instruction set mode
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: LocateXY
- //Parameters: address to be written, horizontal coordinate X, vertical coordinate Y (starting from 0)
- //Return value: None
- //Function: 12864 pointer points to the specified location
- *************************************************************************/
- void LocateXY(float X, float Y)
- {
- Send(0,Address[Y][X]);
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: WriteNum
- //Parameters: Number to be written Num, horizontal coordinate X, vertical coordinate Y (starting from 0)
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Display a number at the specified position (no more than 5 digits and less than 65536)
- *************************************************************************/
- void WriteNum(uint n,writer x,writer y)
- {
- uchar five,four,three,two,one;
- LocateXY(x,y);
- if((n >= 10000)&&(n <= 65535))
- {
- five = n / 10000;
- four = (n % 10000) / 1000;
- three = ((n - five * 10000) % 1000) / 100;
- two = ((n - five * 10000) % 1000 - three * 100 ) / 10;
- one = ((n - five * 10000) % 1000 - three * 100 ) % 10;
- Send(1,NUM[five]);
- Send(1,NUM[four]);
- Send(1,NUM[three]);
- Send(1,NUM[two]);
- Send(1,NUM[one]);
- }
- if((n >= 1000)&&(n <= 9999))
- {
- four = n / 1000;
- three = (n % 1000) / 100;
- two = (n % 1000 - three * 100 ) / 10;
- one = (n % 1000 - three * 100 ) % 10;
- Send(1,NUM[four]);
- Send(1,NUM[three]);
- Send(1,NUM[two]);
- Send(1,NUM[one]);
- }
- if((n >= 100)&&(n <= 999))
- {
- three = n / 100;
- two = (n - three * 100 ) / 10;
- one = (n - three * 100 ) % 10;
- Send(1,NUM[three]);
- Send(1,NUM[two]);
- Send(1,NUM[one]);
- }
- if((n >= 10)&&(n <= 99))
- {
- two = n / 10;
- one = n % 10;
- Send(1,NUM[two]);
- Send(1,NUM[one]);
- }
- if((n >= 0)&&(n <= 9))Send(1,NUM[n]);
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- //Name: WriteFloat
- //Parameters: floating point number to be written, unsigned char x, unsigned char y
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Display a floating point number at a given position (both the integer part and the decimal part do not exceed two digits)
- *************************************************************************/
- void WriteFloat(float n, float x, float y)
- {
- uint Integer, Decimal; //Integer is used to store the integer part, Decimal is used to store the decimal part
- Integer = (uint)(n/1);
- Decimal = (uint)(n * 100 - Integer * 100);
- if(Integer<10)
- {
- LocateXY(x,y);
- Send(1,' ');
- WriteNum(Integer,x+1,y);
- }
- if(Integer>=10)WriteNum(Integer,x,y);
- Send(1,NUM[10]);
- WriteNum(Decimal,x+2,y);
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- //名称 :WriteArrary
- //Parameters: array to be written, array length, unsigned char x, unsigned char y
- //Return value: None
- //Function: Display an array at a given position
- *************************************************************************/
- void WriteArrary(uint *a,uint n,uchar x,uchar y)
- {
- flying i;
- LocateXY(x,y);
- for(i = 0;i < n;i ++)
- {
- a[i] = a[i] + '0';
- Send(1,a[i]);
- }
- }
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