As the largest and most advanced semiconductor wafer factory in China, SMIC recently returned to the A-share market and set several records. Its stock price surged 245% on the first day of its debut, and its market value exceeded 650 billion yuan. However, today, SMIC's A-shares and H-shares fell again, with a 40% drop in the stock price in 8 days, and the A-share market value lost at least 120 billion yuan.
On July 16, SMIC officially landed on the A-share Science and Technology Innovation Board with an issue price of 27.46 yuan per share.
It opened with a surge of 245.96%. Its market value once reached 650 billion yuan, making it the leading A-share technology company and one of the semiconductor companies with the highest market value.
However, after its listing, SMIC's upward momentum came to an abrupt halt, and it has been falling this week, both its A shares and H shares. Among them, the share price of H shares has fallen from HK$44 to HK$25 today, a loss of 40% in 8 days, with a total sales of HK$5.812 billion, and its market value has returned to more than HK$280 billion.
In the A-share market,
SMIC is also facing the fate of a sharp drop after its listing. Today, its stock price has returned to 72 yuan, a sharp drop from the highest price of 97 yuan on the day of listing. Its market value has also dropped from a peak of 650 billion yuan to the current 530 billion yuan, with a loss of at least 120 billion yuan.
Of course, compared with the issue price, SMIC's current stock price is still rising sharply, but the stock price is not that crazy.
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