[Camera News] SmartView launches ultra-high frame rate CMOS; Renesas Electronics launches new products; LG Innotek invests in Asia Optical; OFILM turns losses into profits; Yanding and Qiu Titanium cooperate
A preview of the week’s car camera news
◆Streetway launches ultra-low power consumption, ultra-high frame rate area array CMOS image sensor
◆Renesas Electronics launches new four-channel video decoder for automotive cameras
◆LG Innotek invests in Asian Optics to accelerate autonomous driving and XR market penetration
◆Yading provides automated temperature drift testing solutions for Kunshanshan Titanium.
◆O-Film turns a loss into a profit and expects a net profit of up to 95 million yuan in 2023
◆ Sunny Intelligent Technology won the "Technical Contribution Award" from Xpeng Motors
◆ OmniVision Group launches 3MP SoC image sensor
◆Sunny’s net profit has been cut in half for two consecutive years
◆Lianchuang Electronics added 2 more national honors,
◆Dazhi Auto: Seizing new opportunities for camera modules, output value this year is expected to reach 450 million yuan
◆Obi Zhongguang Femto Mega is connected to the Mac ecosystem
◆GAC Trumpchi awarded MAXIEYE Annual Technology Innovation Award
◆Dynamic 3D structured light Zhongke Fusion received tens of millions of yuan in strategic financing
◆Quanta Computer and Ambarella deepen their strategic partnership and work together to innovate cutting-edge AI solutions
◆Valeo and Teledyne FLIR reach agreement on thermal imaging for automotive safety systems
◆Ruichuang Microna’s net profit in 2023 is expected to increase by nearly 60% year-on-year
◆Ruiming Technology | Pre-installation solution successfully passed European standard certification again
Recently, SmartSens (stock code: 688213), a technologically advanced CMOS image sensor supplier, announced the launch of a
high frame rate industrial area array
image sensor
This back-illuminated global shutter image sensor uses advanced
2 Plus
and relies on SmartSite's excellent analog circuit design to combine
four major performance advantages:
high photosensitivity
low noise
high frame rate
, and
low power consumption.
All in one, it can empower
diversified application scenarios such as industrial machine vision cameras, drone/sweeper obstacle avoidance systems, AR/VR 6DoF systems, etc.
With highly accurate measurement and real-time image acquisition capabilities, global shutter sensors are widely used in many industrial machine vision application scenarios, such as detection, identification and sorting. Their excellent performance significantly improves image quality, especially in eliminating motion blur. , has obvious advantages. Therefore, global shutter sensors have become the first choice for industrial machine vision applications.
SC038HGS adopts SmartGS' independently innovative SmartGS®-2 Plus technology, which is based on global shutter (GS) technology and back-illuminated pixel structure (BSI) design, bringing better quantum efficiency (QE) and higher full well electrons (FWC), and adopts High Density MIM (HD MIM) process, which greatly reduces random noise and improves image quality.
The SC038HGS image sensor, which features high photosensitivity, low noise, and low power consumption, can greatly improve the accuracy and clarity of visual information and achieve high-quality image capture in low-light environments, thereby providing more realistic and clearer images. Virtual experience. (Photo and text source: Sweetway)
On January 25, Renesas Electronics Corporation, a supplier of advanced semiconductor solutions, announced the launch of the RAA27997, the latest device in its automotive high-definition link (AHL) product portfolio, enabling automakers to transmit over low-cost cables and connectors HD video. The new RAA279974 quad-channel AHL video decoder can handle four input sources simultaneously, making it an economical solution for surround view and multi-camera applications.
Image source: Renesas
Renesas AHL technology uses modulated analog signals to transmit video at 1/10 the frequency of digital transmission solutions currently available on the market (the former is approximately 37MHz, the latter is 3GHz or higher), giving it strong noise immunity. capabilities and enables longer transmission distances (20-30m) over unshielded twisted pair cables and standard connectors, while supporting the use of existing standard definition analog video cables and connectors. Using unshielded twisted pair cable not only reduces costs, it is easier to route in vehicles and is lighter, improving energy efficiency and performance. Digital links such as SerDes require heavily shielded cables and high-end connectors, which cost significantly more than AHL and may need to be replaced after five to seven years. Gasgoo News (Photo and text source: Renesas )
According to foreign media reports, wireless communication technology company LG Innotek announced that it has signed an agreement with Taiwanese lens manufacturer AOE Optoelectronics for equity investment and business cooperation.
The agreement involves LG Innotek investing in AOE. Through this strategic cooperation, the two companies will work closely together in the field of core optical devices. LG Innotek plans to use this investment to expand its optical solutions business (based on its world-leading mobile camera modules) and technological capabilities into new areas such as the autonomous driving camera market and extended reality (XR). In addition, the stable supply of lenses, a key component of camera modules, will further improve its supply chain management (SCM).
Image source: LG Innotek
AOE是中国台湾镜头专家,其从材料到模组的核心技术和量 产能 力受到广泛认可。该公司最近增加了对北美汽车制造商的供应。AOE在车辆模块镜头方面尤其强大。随着自动驾驶汽车行业对“非球面玻璃镜头”等高分辨率摄像头组件的需求不断增长,人们对专门从事该领域的AOE的兴趣也在不断增加。 通过战略合作关系,LG Innotek将分享其在光学设计和流程自动化方面的专业知识以及先 进的质量管理体系,而AOE将贡献其独特的材料加工和精密镜头制造技术。双方计划共同开发全球领先的差异化镜头。
双方共同开发的产品将应用于核心光学部件,有望为全球汽车制造商、整车零部件企业、XR设备制造商提供独特价值。 LG Innotek首席 执行官Moon Hyuk-soo表示:“LG Innotek将迅速将其摄像头模块产品组合扩展到车辆和XR设备中。我们的目标是通过发挥技术优势、成本竞争力和制造工艺能力,成为一家创造独特价值、让客户成为赢家的科技创新公司。 (图文来源: LG Innotek )
小鹏汽车作为造车新势力代表企业,在过去五年实现了突破性的技术和研发创新,推出“扶摇“技术架构,成功建立技术壁垒,在汽车智能化领域展示出了强大的创新力。 舜宇智领技术是小鹏汽车并肩同行的伙伴,自2021年双方已开始合作,均致力于共同促进全球智能汽车产业生态繁荣发展。目前,舜宇智领技术前视800万双目车载摄像头模组已应用于 小鹏汽车旗下多款车型,成为小鹏汽车XNGP全场景智能辅助驾驶的感知“利器”。
此外,该车载摄像头模组能够实现多种ADAS功能,如前车碰撞预警、车道偏离预警、交通标志识别等,能够帮助驾驶员更好地应对道路环境的复杂变化。 在量产方面,舜宇智领技术拥有大规模量产经验,具备完善的车规体系与稳定的供应能力,为客户提供长久持续稳定的高价值产品服务。( 图文来源: 舜宇智领技术 )
近期,半导体解决方案开发商豪威集团(OMNIVISION)推出首款OX03J10 3百万像素(MP)CMOS系统集成芯片(SoC)图像传感器,具有140dB高动态范围(HDR)和LED闪烁缓解(LFM),无论照明条件如何,都能提供卓越的图像质量。
OX03J10 SoC非常适合环视系统(SVS)、后视摄像头(RVC)和摄像头监控系统(CMS)。将图像传感器与专用图像信号处理器(ISP)集成到一个SoC中,可以优化HDR和LFM性能,并降低设备的尺寸和成本。
豪威集团汽车部门营销经理Naresh Shetty表示:“作为全球领先的车内图像传感器开发商,豪威集团长期以来一直在高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)和自动驾驶(AD)领域提供图像传感器解决方案。我们的新型OX03J10促进了360度SVS和CMS的高级辅助驾驶功能,同时提供出色的低光性能。它还提供理想的功能集,包括镜头校正、缺陷像素校正、HDR/LFM组合、色调映射、自动图像信号处理、成像效果和低功耗。”
OX03J10是一款低功耗设备,采用1/2.4英寸光学格式,分辨率为1920×1536。OX03J10采用业界最小的a-CSP™封装,以及豪威PureCel®技术,并使用3微米(μm)Deep Well™分割像素。OX03J10可同时输出YUV和RAW,并符合ASIL-C标准。 (图文来源: 豪威集团 )
舜宇表示,主因是全球智能手机市场需求持续疲软、行业竞争激烈以及智能手机摄像头持续呈现降规降配趋势,导致集团手机镜头及手机摄像模组的平均售价及毛利率压力加大。 值得注意的是,舜宇2022年的净利润为24.08亿元,较上年同期减少51.73%,已经出现腰斩现象。 1月下旬,另外两大光学模组厂商丘钛科技、欧菲光均预告了2023年的净利情况,其中前者降幅在四成左右同比收窄,后者同比扭亏为盈。
“净利下滑正常,但没想到幅度会有这么大。”对于舜宇2023年的业绩表现,很多光学企业表示大跌眼镜,毕竟其主营产品的出货量整体情况不错。 根据 统计,2023年全年舜宇手机镜头出货量约11.7亿颗,同比略降1.8%。特别是受益于苹果和安卓等手机客户的新机驱动及备货需求,下半年 连续5个月过亿,势头甚至超过2021年。 (图文来源: 舜宇 )
自动化 温漂测试
目前,研鼎高低温漂设备在国内拥有多个客户,涵盖了主机厂、国际头部Tier1、国内头部Tier1、车载模组厂和自动算法芯片头部企业。未来,我们将与昆山丘钛在车载模组测试领域继续携手创新,共同为全球汽车市场提供高精度的测试服务。 (图文来源: 研鼎 )
欧菲光在业绩预告中总结了业绩大涨的三个原因,首先是下半年终端客户需求和销售收入大幅增加,而且产品毛利率稳步提高; 第二,公司进一步优化产业基地布局,完善产业链一体化各个环节,推动智能制造及精细化管理;第三,非经常性损益对归属于上市公司股东的净利润带来了3.4亿元至3.8亿元的影响。 可以肯定的是,多年合作客户华为在智能手机的强势回归,是欧菲光走出逆境的重要推手。 在2023年的高端智能手机市场, 华为Mate 60系列堪称绝对的明星,风头甚至盖过苹果iPhone 15系列。据产业链消息,欧菲光摄像头模组全部参与了供应,并占绝大部分份额,包括后置摄像头、前置摄像头、指纹模组,单台价值在500-600元。
若按照业内普遍预判,华为Mate 60系列出货量如果达到2000万部左右,欧菲光单机价值供应的营收就将超过百亿。 据悉,被行业寄予厚望的华为高端旗舰机型P70系列将在今年第一季度发布,欧菲光同样是其核心供应商。 从长远布局来看,欧菲光走出低谷的根因与其战略布局密切相关。
面临苹果订单波动的挑战后,欧菲光采取了一系列的技术创新和多元化战略,把业务触角延伸到智能手机、VR/AR、自动驾驶等领域。 2021年6月,欧菲光对外发布了《未来五年战略规划的公告》,其中明确提出要形成三足鼎立的局面,将智能手机、智能汽车以及新领域三项业务并肩发展。
虽然因换机周期延长与消费环境下行等因素影响,近年来全球智能手机市场较为疲软,但欧菲光仍是摄像头模组、镜头、指纹识别模组等产品供应链头部企业,客户含括华为、小米、荣耀、OPPO等几乎所有主流品牌。 站在智能驾驶风口,欧菲光 布局包括了 智能驾驶、车身电子和智能中控,以光学镜头、摄像头为基础,延伸至毫米波雷达、激光雷达、抬头显示(HUD)等丰富的产品矩阵。
欧菲光表示,公司车载业务能够提供系统级解决方案,可定制开发自动泊车系统,周视系统,行泊一体驾驶域控制器,集成以太网关的第五代车身域控制器,仪表中控,HUD等系统级产品,具有未来走向跨域融合的实现能力。 (图文来源: 欧菲光 )
此前,国家知识产权局印发《关于确定2023年新一批及通过复核的国家知识产权示范企业和优势企业的通知》,江西联创电子有限公司成功入选“2023年度国家知识产权示范企业”是国家给予企业知识产权管理。工作的最高荣誉和评价。 (图文来源: 联创电子 )
据悉,大智汽车是一家集自主研发、生产、销售汽车影像、视觉、无线充电系统解决方案于一体的国家级高新技术企业,其前身是深圳市大智创新科技股份有限公司,主要产品有 CMS电子外后视镜、流媒体内后视镜等汽车视频类产品,以及无线充电模组等座舱电子类产品。
“随着惠州总部基地的投产,我们的智造实力将会得到质的飞跃。”大智汽车董事长雷隆彪介绍,2022年公司产值约为2.2亿元人民币,2023年产值约为3亿人民币,2024年将加大研发软硬件团队的投入,成为主流新能源车企前装供应商,预计产值为4.5亿人民币。 实际上,基于 影像视觉算法技术、AA摄像头自动化工艺 等技术,大智汽车已经拥有成熟的量产经验,产品销售区域覆盖中国、欧洲、北美、南美、俄罗斯、韩国等多个国家和地区。 (图文来源: 高工 )
近日,奥比中光四款3D相机实现 Mac OS 平台全面支持,其中包括融合了微软Azure Kinect DK技术的高性能iToF相机Femto Mega、双目结构光相机Gemini 2和Gemini 2 L、单目结构光相机Astra 2。此举拓展了3D视觉感知技术在不同平台上的应用,让Mac开发者可以使用更全面的3D相机产品组合,满足多元场景需求 。
Mac系统是全球开发者进行应用开发的重要平台,而原有的微软Azure Kinect DK系列产品并不支持Mac OS。通过将Femto Mega接入Mac OS平台,Mac开发者可首次使用到Azure Kinect DK带来的高质量ToF产品,充分发挥ToF传感器的能力,为用户开发更加惊艳的产品应用。
奥比中光iToF相机Femto Mega现已支持Mac OS平台
为了满足广大苹果生态开发者对3D相机的需求,奥比中光研发团队攻克了3D相机与Mac OS系统的融合难题,包括USB复合相机和扩展命令等,确保奥比中光3D相机在Mac OS平台上的无缝整合和完全功能性,大大提升了用户体验。
● 全面的Mac OS SDK:奥比中光为Mac OS量身定制的软件开发包(SDK),覆盖iToF、双目结构光、单目结构光技术,目前支持Femto Mega、Gemini 2、Gemini 2 L和Astra 2系列3D相机,并计划在未来增加更多选项。
● Femto Mega的双模式支持:Femto Mega现支持在Mac OS上的USB和网络两种工作模式,允许开发者根据项目需求,无缝切换USB和基于网络的操作。网络模式可支持iOS应用开发,为开发者在iOS应用程序中整合先进的3D成像功能打开了新的可能性。
● 提升开发者体验:通过系统优化,Mac OS用户现在可以享受更加流畅和高效的使用体验,充分利用3D视觉感知技术的全部潜力而不受系统限制。
区。 (图文来源: 奥比中光 )
近日,「2024广汽传祺供应链合作伙伴大会」在广州隆重召开,智驾科技MAXIEYE 作为广汽传祺深度合作伙伴,荣获「年度科技创新奖」殊荣,智驾科技MAXIEYE创始人&CEO周圣砚受邀出席会议和颁奖仪式。
2023年,MAXIEYE已助力广汽传祺GS8、ES9、E8等多款车型智驾系统的开发量产。项目过程中,MAXIEYE与广汽传祺紧密协作,彼此认可“用户需求驱动技术研发”的价值导向,携手为用户打造极致安全、性能卓越的智驾产品。 (图文来源: 智驾科技MAXIEYE )
由于DLP动态结构光在行业中很少有企业涉足,中科融合还自研量产了全球首颗支持高精度三维建模的低功耗专用AI智能处理器芯片,把MEMS控制、3D成像、AI算法等IP集成在一起,为行业提供完整的解决方案。 (图文来源: 中科融合 )
“广达电脑”,先进技术解决方案的开拓者)和 Ambarella (下称“安霸”,专注 AI 视觉感知的半导体公司,纳斯达克股票代码:AMBA),在上周举办的 2024 国际消费电子展(CES)期间,宣布进一步深化双方的战略合作伙伴关系。双方将基于安霸的 CV3-AD、CV7 和新的 N1 系列等多款 AI SoC 共同创新,不断拓宽合作范围,这预示着尖端 AI 产品性能的重大提升。这些产品可以满足市场对于应用各种神经网络和大语言模型(参数从数百万到数十亿不等)日益增长的需求。值得注意的是,两家共同开发的新产品将得益于安霸先进低功耗,高性能的 SoC 硬件架构,以及广达电脑在制造最前沿的 AI Box 和 PCIe 拓展卡方面的深厚专业知识。安霸和广达强强联手,将赋能自动驾驶汽车、智能监控、机器人、医疗保健等行业。
Alan Chai 表示:“广达电脑的工程实力结合安霸最新一代 AI SoC ,将通过提供 SoM、PCIe 卡、前端设备甚至全套一站式解决方案,开辟 AI 应用的新领域。我们期待着这些解决方案为不同行业带来变革性的深远影响。” 安霸总裁兼 CEO 王奉民表示:“我们很高兴看到与广达电脑扩大合作空间,共同开发突破性的 AI 技术。更广泛的合作展现了我们双方的共同愿景,推动 AI 技术超越传统进入新领域,为下一代前端 AI 设备带来更高效的卷积神经网络和生成式 AI 的处理。” (图文来源: 安霸 )
近期,法雷奥(Valeo)和Teledyne Technologies Incorporated公司旗下Teledyne FLIR公司开始战略合作,将热成像技术引入汽车行业 ,以提高道路使用者的安全。双方已于2023 年底从一家全球领先的汽车OEM获得了一份重要合同,交付其作为新一代高级驾驶员辅助系统(ADAS)驾驶员辅助技术的新型热像仪,以提高车辆和道路安全。
法雷奥和Teledyne FLIR将推出首款用于夜视ADAS的ASILB级热成像技术。该系统将补充法雷奥的各种传感器,并依靠法雷奥的ADAS软件堆栈来支持乘用车、商用车以及自动驾驶汽车的夜间自动紧急制动(AEB)等功能。法雷奥与热成像技术公司Teledyne FLIR强强联手,打造
法雷奥将利用其在汽车视觉系统方面的丰富专业知识,集成Teledyne FLIR热视觉技术,并为OEM提供完整的夜视解决方案,包括基于法雷奥人工智能和图形可视化堆栈的感知软件。
睿创微纳2023年第四季度净利预计约为11,300万元,与第三季度净利润12,900万元比较,减少1,600万元左右,环比下滑12.40%左右。 睿创微纳表示,净利润变化主要原因为,公司在报告期内持续加大研发投入和新产品开发力度,保持订单充足等,营收较上年同期实现增长。此外,预计非经常性损益在报告期内对睿创微纳净利润的影响金额约为7 , 858.89万元,主要是其收到的政府补助形成的其他收益。
除了12μ m红外探测器芯片率先实现量产,睿创微纳旗下10μm、8μm红外热成像探测器芯片也于今年进入量产,开始投放汽车市场,预计这两年全面转向量产。 这份成绩的背后,自然离不开其一以贯之的坚持与技术创新。目前睿创微纳拥有2600余名员工,研发人员占比约45%。同时公司年均研发投入达总营收的22%左右,严格贯彻公司技术领先战略。加上比较完善的全球销售网络,其红外热成像产品目前覆盖全球120多个国家和地区,出货量逐年增长。
到目前,其已形成红外热成像、微波、激光等多维感知业务。在睿创微纳自己看来,海外业务之所以能够顺利推进,离不开芯片的研发优势。除了红外探测器芯片,其也专门自研了ASIC-ISP芯片,确保成本、图像效果、功耗等方面优势。依托于IDM模式,研发效率得到保障的同时,产品成本也能显著降低。 不仅如此,睿创微纳在算法领域也是不断创新。对于红外热成像面阵输出均匀性较差、漂移的技术特点,睿创微纳自研了Matrix IV图像算法和超分算法,在“看得见”的基础上,实现“看得更清晰”。
In addition, for the continuity of video information, Ruichuang Microna has also developed an "unblocked algorithm". Some current common system solutions may require the shutter to be opened every few minutes, causing the image to freeze. Valid information may be missed in the blink of an eye, causing accidents. Using the "blockless algorithm", the infrared sensor does not need to open the shutter while the vehicle is driving, thus ensuring the continuity of the video stream.
(Picture and text source:
Ruichuang Microna
Arcsoft Technology has innovated in all directions from calibration, perception, interaction and visual presentation, and built a complete set of spatial computing technology to provide next-generation mobile platforms, especially XR smart terminals, in spatial perception, visual presentation, human-computer interaction and Provide strong support for the development of digital content.
Arcsoft’s one-stop multi-sensor calibration: In the XR field, accurate and high-precision collaboration between multiple sensors requires a complex calibration process. Based on this, ArcSoft provides a one-stop multi-sensor calibration solution with comprehensive industry coverage and leading performance to solve the problem of multi-sensor data collaboration. The efficient calibration algorithm can quickly and accurately adjust the parameters of each sensor so that they can work together in actual operation to provide accurate and stable sensing data for XR equipment.
Ruiming Technology has successfully helped Zhongtong Group, a leading domestic commercial vehicle manufacturer, to launch its high-end models into the European market, which has the most stringent international requirements. Ruiming's pre-installation solution has become the only solution in the domestic market that has also been certified by regulations (BSIS/MOIS/ISA/DDAW), helping "China's Intelligent Manufacturing" to go global.
Recently, Zhongtong's 18m long articulated bus equipped with Ruiming Technology's full range of European standard solutions has obtained the WVTA certificate issued by the Spanish Ministry of Transport (E9), marking that Zhongtong's 18m long articulated bus can be sold to EU member states and recognized by WVTA in the future. Certified for export to non-EU member states, ZTO became the first domestic company to complete commercial vehicle EU 2018/858 certification after the implementation of the new EU General Safety Requirements (GSR II) regulations.
After passing the UN R151/159 certification test at the end of September 2023, Ruiming Technology once again successfully passed the ISA and DDAW European standard certification tests, becoming the only company in the domestic market that has passed the four European standard regulations BSIS/MOIS/ISA/DDAW at the same time. solution provider. Relying on the efficient collaboration of top R&D and product design teams, Ruiming Technology’s pre-installed European standard solutions are equipped with many new advanced safety technologies. For example, in response to R151&R159 regulations, Ruiming Technology’s pure vision solution can realize pedestrian movement trajectory prediction function to reduce invalid alarms and improve the driver’s driving experience.
In response to ISA regulations, it adopts visual AI recognition and embedded high-performance map data engine solutions, and uses sub-meter level positioning technology to specifically identify explicit and implicit signboards, temporary signboards, and adapt to tunnel viaducts in different EU countries. Complex road sections. In response to DDAW regulations, the technology that integrates rule judgment and sequential deep learning can not only accurately identify fatigue characteristics of drivers such as obvious yawning and eye closing, but also identify real fatigue states that are difficult to detect through micro-expressions, greatly improving accuracy. .
In terms of performance, Ruiming Technology’s European standard solution not only passed European mandatory regulations such as R10 (E-mark), R118, ELV, ROHS, Reach, but also passed temperature, waterproof and dustproof, salt spray, climate, vibration, 45 strict tests including durability impact, EMC, and EMI meet the corporate standards of top domestic and foreign OEMs. In terms of network security and upgrade security, it meets the regulatory requirements of R155 and R156, and has assisted OEMs in obtaining R155/R156 certificates. (Photo and text source: Ruiming Technology )
Recently, as Nezha S officially pushed the first OTA upgrade in 2024 to users, a new version of Nezha high-speed pilot assisted driving system (NNP) has been officially launched on the car. As a leading company in China's smart driving camp, SenseTime Jueying provides the industry-leading high-speed smart driving solution without lidar for Nezha S, creating a comfortable and safe high-speed smart driving experience for users.
The strong collaboration between SenseTime Jueying and Nezha Automobile in the field of smart driving marks the official mass production of SenseTime Jueying's vision-led smart driving technology solution, opening a new chapter in the commercialization of SenseTime Jueying's smart driving. .
Full-stack smart driving solution launched on Nezha S, SenseTime proves mass production delivery capabilities
With years of deep accumulation in perception algorithms, SenseTime Jueying is growing into a leading company in the field of intelligent driving. After the OTA upgrade of Nezha S, users can activate the high-speed pilot assisted driving solution provided by SenseTime Jueying. This is the first mass production of SenseTime’s intelligent driving technology solution, marking that SenseTime has achieved a leap from the output of perception technology to the mass production and delivery of full-stack intelligent driving technology.
"Since 2020, SenseTime Jueying's intelligent driving technology has been iterating rapidly. This full-stack intelligent driving solution has been officially launched, which means that SenseTime Jueying has the mass production and delivery capabilities of the full-stack intelligent driving solution." SenseTime Shi Jianping, Vice President of Intelligent Driving of Jueying Intelligent Automotive Business Group, said that SenseTime Jueying’s full-stack intelligent driving solution based on 16 TOPS low computing power platform and 5R11V configuration has officially been put into mass production, demonstrating our profound technical foundation and powerful products. R & D capabilities.
The high-speed pilot assisted driving function carried by Nezha S this time is a cost-effective mass-produced smart driving solution. Based on the 16 TOPS computing power domain control platform and 5R11V sensor configuration, SenseTime Jueying has realized traditional ADAS as well as high-speed and urban functions. Functions including highway L2+ piloting. Currently, most other intelligent driving solutions that have both ADAS and L2+ high-speed navigation assistance functions require considerable computing power to support them, but "high computing power" does not equate to "strong capabilities." To achieve ADAS and L2+ high-speed pilot assisted driving functions, the smart driving solutions commonly used in the industry are based on computing power platforms with more than 100 TOPS, equipped with more than 20 sensors, and even equipped with lidar. Even with such powerful computing power and sensing configurations, a small number of high-speed smart driving solutions are still in the process of iterative upgrades, and have not yet achieved mass production of functions such as automatic lane changing and on- and off-ramps.
In comparison, the high-speed pilot solution implemented in mass production on Nezha S only uses a low computing power platform of 16 TOPS to achieve many functions that require hundreds of TOPS computing power support. In terms of quantity, the functions implemented by SenseTime Jueying's low-computing power full-stack intelligent driving solution are no less than those of other high-computing power solutions, covering many functions such as traditional ADAS and high-speed pilot assisted driving.
(Picture and text source:
Shangtang Jueying
Automotive Vision Camera Activity Preview
Date: 6.21-22 Suzhou
Suzhou 2024 (the 5th) Automotive Vision Camera Forward-looking Technology Exhibition and Exchange Conference will be held on June 21-22!
????: Depot registration is free for a limited time! The registration channel for EAC2024 E-commerce Automotive Industry Conference and the 5th Automotive Vision Camera Forward-looking Technology Exhibition and Exchange Conference is now open!
Conference background
In order to promote the high-quality development of the vehicle-mounted camera industry, Yimao Automotive Technology and Smart Car Experts will join hands with major vehicle-mounted camera upstream and downstream industry chain companies to hold the 2024 (Fifth) Expo at the Suzhou International Expo Center on June 21-22, 2024. ) Automotive vision camera forward-looking technology exhibition and exchange meeting and the EAC Automobile Industry Exhibition held at the same time , continue to work with well-known car companies, Tier1, camera system solution providers, module manufacturers, chip original device suppliers, packaging and testing and scientific research institutes, etc. More than 400 participating experts discussed industry trends, market forecasts, and supply systems for automotive camera vision systems. Topics such as system applications, core components, and sensor fusion. Gather industry exhibitions to jointly promote the development of the automotive vision industry.
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