The source program example of lighting a light-emitting diode with the PIC16F84 microcontroller introduced in the previous issue is to illustrate the basic format of the specific application of the PI
Electronic engineers, how can we better embrace GaN? Participate in the survey to get a gift!Click here to participate in the questionnaireGallium Nitride (GaN) Power DevicesGallium nitride (GaN) powe
State-of-The-Art in Efficient Linear PAsThere have been several techniques proposed to improve the average efficiency of linear PAs, and most notable are the dual PA (Doherty), envelope following, and
Four or five programmers went to eat at noon. The waiter put the menu on the table and said, "Order whatever you want!" One of them, Xiao Shuai, said, "Let's drink less beer." Another one, Guangmingdi