If you want to restore the factory firmware after developing SensorTile.box yourself or burning other programs for testing, you can use DFU or JTAG to flash STSW-MKSBOX1_BL firmware
Then use STBLESens
I installed MCUXpresso IDE according to the NXP online tutorial and then compiled the following example in [i]boards\usbkw41z_kw41z\wireless_examples\hybrid. The compilation kept giving an error[/i] [
# esp32 s2 LED, button driver > ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 development board LED, button driver. ##led driver - Hardware uses GPIO45 to control a WS2812 lamp beadRefer to the official routine for controlling W
The major RF performances of Traveling Wave Tubes (TWTs) are determined by the Slow-wave Structure (SWS), which is customarily characterized by the coldparameters: phase velocity (or dispersion curve)
For example, the AT070TN92 LCD data sheet says: "backlight 14-leds". Does the "LCD" here refer to the number of LEDs? How are these LCDs connected? Some are marked: 3 in series 6 or other indicators.