Home > Control Circuits >Motor Control > The autotransformer steps down the voltage and the rotor is added to the excitation starting circuit according to the frequency change.

The autotransformer steps down the voltage and the rotor is added to the excitation starting circuit according to the frequency change.

Source: InternetPublisher:宋元浩 Keywords: Excitation autotransformer starting circuit frequency change Updated: 2021/09/19

187.<strong>Autotransformer</strong> steps down the voltage and the rotor changes according to <strong>frequency</strong> and joins <strong>excitation</strong><strong>starting circuit</strong>.gif

The circuit is shown in Figure 3-187. When starting, connect the autotransformer ZQB to reduce the voltage and start. After a period of delay,
ZQB exits operation and the motor speeds up under full pressure. When the speed rises to the quasi-synchronous speed and above, cut off (short-circuit) the discharge resistor R:, add DC excitation
to the rotor winding , the synchronous motor is led to run synchronously, and the starting process ends.




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