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Zero sequence current phase failure protection circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:zht24 Keywords: Protection circuit zero sequence current phase failure protection Updated: 2021/01/14

37.<strong>Zero sequence current</strong>Phase failure<strong>Protection circuit</strong>.gif

It uses zero sequence current to achieve phase failure protection . When the three-phase current is balanced,
the TA secondary of the zero-sequence current transformer has no output; when the power supply phase is disconnected, the TA secondary has an output, causing KA to release, KM to release, and the motor
to stop rotating.
  In the figure, oz is the winding added to the contactor KM coil to obtain a voltage of 12~15V . After the voltage
is rectified by the rectifier bridge, C, and filtered by the capacitors C3 and C4, it is supplied to the operating voltage of the triode circuit .




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