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High power and high efficiency inverter circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:兰博 Keywords: inverter power supply inverter circuit Updated: 2023/11/28

This circuit is characterized by small size, high efficiency, very small temperature rise within the rated power range, and a maximum output power of 500W. If you want to increase the power, you only need to add a parallel power field effect transistor, and you can perform pulse width modulation through an external potentiometer. Component selection: The drive circuit is a dedicated pulse width modulation oscillator SG3524. Because it has few peripheral components and is simple to make, all components can be welded on the periphery using the most compact lap welding method, which can reduce the size. The key to the success of this circuit is power. When choosing a field effect transistor, its parameters are preferably 50V 50A or above. The optional one is IRF1010, 50V 75A. The resistance and capacitance of pins 7 and 8 determine the oscillation frequency. The frequency of this circuit is 250HZ, which is five times higher than the power frequency of 50HZ, so the size and number of winding turns of the output transformer can be reduced accordingly. If you want to work at a power frequency of 50HZ, you can increase the value of CR appropriately, so that you can connect it to a standard power frequency control transformer, which makes charging easier. Since there is a resistor diode inside the power tube, as long as K is disconnected, the power will be charged directly. Just input 220V mains power at the output end, and the entire circuit can be glued to the 50X60X1 aluminum plate with AB glue.

This module can be expanded into a UPS uninterruptible power supply, with an external voltage comparison circuit connected to the two pins, and can also stabilize the voltage output.





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