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Simple pulse electronic fish trap

Source: InternetPublisher:elleny Keywords: Self-excited inverter circuit Updated: 2024/07/08

This electronic fish catching device uses a simple self-excited oscillation inverter to boost the voltage, then outputs high-voltage DC through voltage doubling rectification, and finally outputs pulsed high voltage to the fishing electrode through relay control to achieve the purpose of electric shock fishing. The circuit principle is shown in the figure.

Working principle: Two 2N3773s and a transformer form a self-excited oscillation circuit to invert and boost the 12V DC. The boosted AC current is rectified by four 1N4007 diodes to charge two high-voltage capacitors. When the voltage across the high-voltage capacitor rises to a certain value, the control circuit composed of 9013, 8050 and other components drives the relay to close, instantly releasing the electric energy stored in the high-voltage capacitor into the water, stunning the fish in the water. The voltage on the high-voltage capacitor then drops rapidly, and the relay control circuit is released due to insufficient voltage. The voltage doubler rectifier circuit recharges the high-voltage capacitor until the voltage is restored, and the relay closes again to release the electric energy into the water. This cycle achieves the purpose of fishing.

Simple pulse electronic fish trap

The 2N3773 transistor is a high-power NPN transistor with a withstand voltage of 160V, a current of 16A, and a power consumption of 150W. The two transistors should have the same model parameters. During debugging, if the circuit does not vibrate, in addition to checking the components and circuits, you should pay attention to the same-name end of the transformer coil. The number of turns of the transformer winding has been marked in the figure, and the double winding on the low-voltage side is wound in parallel with two wires. During debugging, you can connect a 100W incandescent lamp to the high-voltage output end, and adjust the 100K resistor to make the incandescent lamp the brightest and have a flickering feeling. Finally, I remind you to pay attention to personal safety during debugging and use.




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