One of the circuits that uses thermistors to prevent relay contact competition
Source: InternetPublisher:拿铁三分糖 Keywords: thermistor relay contact Updated: 2021/05/21
Contact competition is a problem that is often encountered in relay and contactor control systems. It is troublesome to deal with and sometimes requires adding
a lot of components. However, if the delay switching characteristic of the negative temperature coefficient thermistor (NTC) is used,
relay contact competition can be easily and effectively prevented.
The circuit is shown in Figure 6 11. It uses the thermistor RT to have a large resistance at room temperature. After a
delay (about 0.5s) is passed through the current, the resistance decreases sharply, delaying the pull-in time of the relay KAz, thereby avoiding contact with the contactor KM. Point competition
to prevent the circuit from getting out of control.
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