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Temperature regulator drying room temperature control circuit three

Source: InternetPublisher:qoistoochee128 Keywords: Temperature control circuit regulator BSP Updated: 2020/06/05

59.<strong>Temperature</strong><strong>Regulator</strong>Drying room<strong>Temperature control circuit</strong>Part 3.gif

Use two-position temperature regulator. Close the drying chamber door and the limit switch SQ is closed. The starting
temperature is low, the lower limit contacts 3 and 1 of the two-position temperature regulator KP are closed, and both sets of electric heaters EHi and EHz are
put into heating. When the temperature reaches the set value, the upper limit contacts 3 and 2 of the KP are closed. The lower limit contacts 3 and 1 are disconnected and the heating stops.
When the temperature drops below the set value, the contacts 3 and 1 of the regulator KP are closed again and the contacts 3 and 2 are disconnected. Heater
EHi heats a after a delay (implemented by time relay KTi), EHi stops heating, and EH2 heats. After a
delay (realized by KTz), EHz stops heating, and EHi starts heating again. The above process is repeated until the furnace temperature
rises to the set value again, and both sets of electric heaters stop heating.
    The reason why two sets of electric heaters are used to heat in turn is because the furnace is special (drying wood), so that the object to be heated can
be heated evenly everywhere. The two sets of electric heaters should be arranged crosswise and evenly.




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