Home > Industry Application >Industrial Automation Circuits > KT-25J-1 type cam controller circuit

KT-25J-1 type cam controller circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:他们逼我做卧底 Keywords: Controller circuit motor contacts BSP Updated: 2020/02/11

1.KT-25J-1 cam<strong>controller circuit</strong>.gif

This circuit is often used for starting, stopping, forward rotation, reverse rotation, and speed regulation of 25/5t (that is, the rated lifting weight of the main hook is 20t, and the rated excess weight of the auxiliary hook is
; t) bridge crane trolley, trolley and auxiliary hook motor and security
holders, etc.
  The KT25J/1 cam controller has a total of 12 pairs of contacts . The 4 pairs of contacts on the left are connected to the power supply and the motor stator winding, and are used to
control the forward and reverse rotation of the motor. Because the stator current is large, arc extinguishing covers are installed on the contacts; the middle The 5 pairs of contacts are connected to the speed regulating
resistor box and the motor rotor, which are used to control the connection or removal of the external resistance of the rotor to realize the starting and speed regulation of the motor; the 3 pairs of contacts
on the right are connected to the control circuit for limit protection and zero position. protective effect. In order to reduce the number of controller contacts , asymmetric
removal of rotor resistance is used (this method is used for medium and small capacity motors).
    In the figure, SQi and SQ2 are the forward and reverse limit switches of the motor
, and SQ3 is the hatch safety switch (after the hatch is closed, SQ3 is closed). YA is the electromagnetic brake, which is used for accurate parking (braking when power is released), SAi is the accident emergency switch, which is used for
emergency protection, and KI is the over-current relay, which is used for over-current protection.




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