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Safe and reliable electronic touch switch

Source: InternetPublisher:吃掉星星 Keywords: Touch switch Updated: 2024/09/29

The circuit is shown in the figure above. IC is a D flip-flop CD4013 (a CD4013 can form two electronic touch switches), forming a bistable circuit. M is the induction electrode. When the M is touched by hand, the human body's clutter induction signal is added to the trigger end of IC through R1. Its positive pulse signal causes IC to flip, and the Q end outputs a high level. Its Q end has enough output current to drive the bidirectional thyristor SCR to turn on. Connect 220V AC power, and the electrical appliances in the socket BX work. If the M is touched again, the CL end gets a positive pulse again, IC flips again, the Q end becomes a low level, the SCR is cut off, and the electrical appliances lose power and stop working. Diodes D1 and D2 provide discharge circuits for C1 and C2 to eliminate the "jitter" phenomenon and ensure that IC flips once the M is touched.

Electronic touch switch

The IC circuit uses a 6V dry battery to make it safe to work at low voltage. SCR uses 3A/600V bidirectional thyristors such as TLC336. M needs to be made of phosphor copper sheets. The circuit can work without debugging.

The picture below is the printed circuit board of this circuit.

Circuit printed circuit board




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