Home > Communication Circuits >Wireless Transmission > The buzzer coding and radio transmission circuit composed of YN5103

The buzzer coding and radio transmission circuit composed of YN5103

Source: InternetPublisher:吃掉星星 Keywords: Radio Transmission Updated: 2024/09/05

The buzzer coding and radio transmission circuit composed of YN5103 is shown in the figure below. S1~S6 in the circuit are buzzer button switches, and the states of address input terminals A0~A5 can be set by yourself. When any button switch from S1~S6 is pressed, a high level is sent to the data input terminal of YN5103, and power is supplied to the VDD terminal of YN5103 through diodes VD1~VD6. Since the coding enable terminal TE (reverse) is connected to a low level, when any button switch from Sl~S6 is pressed, the DO terminal will output a series of pulse codes and send them to the radio transmission circuit composed of IC2, which is modulated by T630 and transmitted by the 150kHz carrier antenna.

S0 is the reset button. When S0 is pressed, the power is supplied to YN5103 through VD7, but at this time S1~S6 are all in the disconnected state, so the input data is "0", and the output data of YN5103 is also "0", which serves as the reset signal of the buzzer switchboard.

T630 is a wireless transmitter integrated circuit, which includes pulse modulation, shaping amplification, transmission and other circuits. Its operating frequency is 150kHz, so it has strong anti-interference ability. When using 9V power supply and 40cm antenna, the transmission distance is 20m.

The buzzer coding and radio transmission circuit composed of YN5103




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