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Photoelectric receiving amplifier composed of LM307

Source: InternetPublisher:newrudeman Keywords: Photoelectric Amplifier Updated: 2024/09/10

Photoelectric receiving amplifier composed of LM307

As shown in the figure, this is a photoelectric receiving amplifier circuit. The photoelectric receiving amplifier is an amplifier circuit designed to amplify the electrical signal output by photoelectric devices such as photodiodes or phototransistors. When the illumination of the incident light changes, the photosensitive device will generate a corresponding voltage or current, and the photoelectric receiving amplifier is a circuit used to amplify the change in photocurrent. The current amplifier composed of the operational amplifier LM307 is an ideal device to achieve the above effect. A certain bias voltage VB (VB=-l5V in Figure (a)) is added to the phototransistor OS18, and its output current under light is represented by the output voltage Vo=IpR1 after amplification by the operational amplifier. The minimum value of the photocurrent Ip is determined by the input bias current IB of the operational amplifier LM307, and the maximum value of Ip is determined by the maximum voltage Vomax allowed to be output by the operational amplifier.




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