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Photoelectric dimming and temperature control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:方世玉223 Keywords: Optoelectronics BSP PLC Updated: 2021/08/12

35.<strong>Photoelectricity</strong>Dimming and Temperature Adjustment<strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

This device generally consists of an intelligent thyristor module, a temperature controller (instrument, PLC , microcomputer) and a temperature detection part
    This system is widely used for temperature regulation and dimming of resistive loads
in conjunction with peripheral temperature controllers (such as microcomputers, instruments,
PLC , etc.), and the control accuracy can be within ±0.2%. Suitable
for various thermal kilns (such as roller kilns, tank kilns,
shuttle kilns, mesh belt kilns, resistance furnaces, etc.). It is used in industrial temperature control situations such as refractory
material production, ceramic processing, supply equipment, stage dimming,
street light energy-saving control, etc. It also has
stable performance, high reliability, convenient installation and maintenance, small
size , energy saving and material saving, and many other features. Advantages that similar products do not have,




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