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Emergency braking circuit when accelerator is pressed accidentally

Source: InternetPublisher:同住地球村 Keywords: BSP switch Updated: 2021/06/27

65. Emergency braking<strong>circuit</strong> by accidentally stepping on the accelerator.gif

When an unexpected situation occurs while the car is driving, the driver is nervous and mistakenly presses the accelerator as a brake, using too much force. This often closes the switch
S at the lowest part of the accelerator , and then slams the accelerator to close the switch S. One situation. The circuit is shown in the figure.     NE555, Rj, cl, etc. form a trigger circuit . Normally, 555 is in the set state, pin ④ is high level, and K does not act. Its normally open contact K is in the open state.     When the accelerator is pressed by mistake. K is closed, the ⑥ pin is at high potential, which resets the 555, K is closed, and its normally open contact K is closed. The solenoid valve DF is energized , and the Gaoya gas supplies air to the braking mechanism through DF to brake the car and prevent accidents. occur.




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