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Programmable multi-compound fast charging circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:jikai233 Keywords: fast charging circuit diagram programming charging circuit Updated: 2021/12/04

 With the development trend of mobile devices towards multi-core, large screen and ultra-thin, the power consumption of mobile devices is accelerating. Users hope that mobile devices can charge faster, generate less heat, and can charge mobile devices anytime and anywhere. Obviously, fast charging , as well as wireless charging technology, are the ideal solution to this problem. 
  Texas Instruments (TI) has announced a new lithium-ion battery charger integrated circuit (IC) that can charge smartphones and tablets in half the time compared to other charger solutions. The bq2419x series rated 4.5A output, 20V input switch mode charger has an I2C interface and provides USB mobile (OTG) support. It can be used for mobile power supplies and power packs, 4G LTE routers, Wi-Fi speakers, portable medical and industrial design, etc. This application enables faster, cooler charging. 
  Consumers expect batteries in portable electronics to charge faster. The new design requires a higher-precision, higher-efficiency charging circuit to ensure that the system can charge faster while operating safely at low temperatures. TI's latest bq24190, bq24192, bq24192i, bq24193, bq24195, bq24195L and bq24196 fast charging circuits not only shorten charging time through battery path impedance compensation, but also provide programmable thermal management functions to ensure the safest and most reliable system operation. After being charged and discharged for several months, the battery of the mobile phone does not continue to work for a long time, which is very troublesome for mobile phone users.





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