RF2908 915 MHz Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Receiver
Source: InternetPublisher:国民男神经 Keywords: Receiver Updated: 2024/09/19
RF2908 is a single-chip direct-sequence spread spectrum receiver designed specifically for operation in the ISM band. It complies with FCC Part 15.247. standard and is suitable for applications in digital cordless phones, secure communication links, wireless LANs, cargo tracking, and portable battery-powered mobile devices.
The main technical features are as follows:
・Operating frequency is 902~928 MHz;
・Receiver sensitivity is -100 dBm;
・Quadrature demodulator;
・The operating power supply is 2.7~3.6 V;
・Operating current is 62 mA, standby mode current is 50 μA;
・On-chip programmable 86-channel PLL frequency synthesizer, baseband filter and dual digital comparator;
・On-chip selectable IF bandwidth, dual IF amplifiers with gain control and signal strength indicator.
RF2908 915 MHz Application Circuit Diagram
RF2908 Evaluation Board Circuit Diagram
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