Home > Power Circuits > Do you know about the BLE wall switch that does not require a neutral wire connection?

Do you know about the BLE wall switch that does not require a neutral wire connection?

Source: InternetPublisher:王达业 Keywords: ble zero line Updated: 2020/02/25

What is a BLE wall switch that requires no neutral connection? What does it do? Power Integrations has released a new design example report (DER-832) - this single FireWire Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) smart wall switch requires no neutral wire Connected, capable of powering 3 W to 600 W LED/fluorescent/incandescent bulbs.

Do you know about the BLE wall switch that does not require a neutral wire connection?

The design is based on PI's high-efficiency LinkSwitch-TN2 offline switching power supply IC, which has ultra-low current consumption and can make the system leakage current less than 100 µA at 230 VAC.

Regular smart wall switches require a third wire (neutral) to prevent ghosting or flickering caused by leakage current in standby mode, but most residential wall switches only have two wires.

LinkSwitch-TN2, used in conjunction with a unique current shaping circuit, provides an ideal solution for zero-wire wiring of multi-functional smart wall switches. The above is the analysis of BLE wall switch that does not require neutral wire connection. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.




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