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Electronic automatic ignition circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:3228 Keywords: ignition circuit winding Updated: 2021/10/07

49.<strong>Electronic</strong>Automatic<strong>Ignition Circuit</strong>.gif


Shown is the automatic ignition circuit for a gas stove . When the gas stove is ignited, the 220V mains current
is limited by the 2X 47kl0 resistor and rectified by VD to charge the 0.47pLF capacitor . The voltage value is the peak value of the mains power, about
350-380V. When S1 or SZ is closed, the voltage stored in the capacitor is discharged through the primary winding
of the high-voltage transformer T , and the secondary winding generates an induced voltage of tens of thousands of volts, which is discharged in the spark gap and ignites coal gas or liquefied petroleum gas
. The advantages of this kind of igniter are safe use, long life (up to more than 60,000 times), low power consumption
(almost no power consumption), electric spark bouquet up to 10mm, and ignition rate of 100%.




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