Home > Control Circuits >Motor Control > Zhenyu XSX-BⅢ type electronic disinfection cabinet ozone generator circuit

Zhenyu XSX-BⅢ type electronic disinfection cabinet ozone generator circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:D先生 Updated: 2018/07/11

振宇XSX-BⅢ型电子消毒柜臭氧发生器电路 The circuit is shown in the figure. The ozone generator is the core circuit in the disinfection cabinet, and the core important components are the ozone glass tubes Q1 and Q2. Together with the bidirectional thyristor VS and the step-up transformer T, they form an ozone generating circuit. When the AC power supply is in the negative half cycle, the diode VD3 is turned on, VD4 is cut off, and VS is turned off. The power supply charges C9 and is quickly sufficient. The charging current flows in the direction of the AC power supply L terminal → R11 → L1 → C9 → N terminal. When the power supply is in the positive half cycle, VD3 is cut off, VD4 is turned on, and VS is turned on. The fully charged C9 is instantly discharged through L1 → VS, causing L1 to generate a larger instantaneous discharge current and inducing a higher induction current in L2. Voltage. This high voltage is applied to Q1 and Q2, which ionizes the air on the surface of the glass tube to generate ozone. The ozone generator circuit is controlled by IC1, which is a dual time base integrated circuit NE555. It forms an intermittent timer with peripheral components to make the ozone circuit work for a period of time and stop for a period of time.




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