Home > Communication Circuits >Wireless Transmission > Walkman installed with wireless repeater circuit

Walkman installed with wireless repeater circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:aerobotics Keywords: wireless repeater Updated: 2017/04/17

Installing a wireless repeater on your Walkman is especially suitable for students. In the same dormitory or several adjacent dormitories, if a classmate has a wireless repeater installed on his Walkman, many students can use the radio to listen to the music played by this classmate. If several classmates install wireless repeaters on their Walkmans, it is equivalent to adding several small radio stations that can be moved around. This transponder works stably, and its oscillation frequency can be adjusted through C3. However, please note that the frequency selected by this transponder should not be the same as the frequency of local or other radio stations, so as not to interfere with other people's listening. The coil can be wound around a 3mm frame with ∮0.5mm enameled wire for 10 turns, and the middle tap is connected at three turns. The antenna can be equipped with a rod antenna according to the size of the Walkman. The switch can be installed on the casing with a sliding switch. In order not to affect the work, a 1.5~3V button battery can be used as the power supply. After selecting the placement point of the transponder, The signal input end of the repeater is connected to the headphone output end of the Walkman. 





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