Home > Power Circuits > Introducing GTO turn-off thyristor inverter circuit

Introducing GTO turn-off thyristor inverter circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:黄土马家 Keywords: SCR inverter circuit pulse trigger Updated: 2020/02/17

GTO inverter circuit
The inverter circuit is corresponding to the rectifier circuit (Rectifier). A circuit that changes low voltage into high voltage and converts DC power into AC power is called an inverter circuit. The inverter circuit is one of the core components of the general frequency converter and plays a very important role. Its basic function is to convert the DC power output from the intermediate DC circuit into AC power with arbitrarily adjustable frequency and voltage under the control of the control circuit. GTO is the abbreviation of turn-off silicon
controlled silicon . Compared with ordinary silicon controlled silicon , the advantage of GTO is that a positive polarity trigger signal can turn it on, and a negative polarity trigger signal can turn it off. Using GTO to form an inverter circuit not only has a simple circuit, but also has a good output waveform. The circuit is shown in Figure 20-23. When the input terminal receives the first trigger signal pulse to turn on GTO1, the voltage on capacitor C1 will provide a negative control pulse to GTO2 through resistor R1 and GTO1, thereby making GTO2 turn off more reliably. When the second trigger pulse triggers GTO2, the voltage on capacitor C2 adds a negative control pulse to GTO1 through resistors R2 and GTO2, and GTO1 turns off. Every time two positive pulses are input, GTO1 and GTO2 are turned on and off once, and the secondary side of the transformer outputs an AC voltage. The conduction of one GTO tube ensures the cut-off of the other GTO tube. The negative pulse required for turn-off is provided by the energy stored in the capacitor.





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