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Floor small pumping automatic control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:消失的歌 Keywords: Automatic control circuit Updated: 2021/02/08

29. Floor small pumping<strong>automatic<strong>control</strong> circuit</strong>.gif

Working principle of the circuit: The circuit uses two time base integrated circuits 555 as the central component
. The g pin and l pin of 555 are connected to the positive and negative poles of the power supply respectively. IC is used to control
the opening and closing of the water inlet valve of the reservoir at the bottom of the building, IC . Pin 4 of the reset terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the power supply and placed at high potential
. When the water level of the battery on the floor is lower than the C terminal, IC. The voltage of pin 2 is "low",
pin 3 outputs high level , LED2 lights up (indicating water intrusion), and relay K. Pulling in, the solenoid
valve opens to allow water inflow. When the water level crosses the C pole and reaches the mouth pole, lC. The potentials of pins 2 and 6
are both higher than 2/3 Vcc, and pin 3 outputs low level to stop water inflow and the pool is filled. IC: Used
to control the opening and closing of the water pump in the rooftop reservoir. In order to prevent the water pump from emptying,
pin 4 of IC2 is connected to probe D. The probe D is placed in the pool at the bottom of the building slightly higher than the opening of the pumping pipe. When
the water level of the pool at the bottom of the building is lower than pole D, the potential of pin 4 is "low". At this time, no matter
what the water level of the pool on the roof is, pin 3 of IC 2 outputs low level, relay K2 is released, and the water
pump stops pumping water; When the water level of the pool at the bottom of the building is higher than pole D, pin 4 is placed at high level.




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