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Use SM7232 to make high-end radio remote control dimming lamps

Source: InternetPublisher:ohahaha Keywords: Radio remote control dimmer light BSP Updated: 2021/04/10

12. Use SM7232 to make high-end <strong>radio remote control</strong><strong>dimmer lamp</strong>.gif

In the transmitter, VTI, VT2 and peripheral resistor-capacitor components form a self-excited multivibrator audio oscillator with an oscillation frequency of about 10kHz.
Press the power switch SB, VT1, and r2 will start to vibrate, and the collector of VT2 will output a square wave signal and send it to
the input pin 1N of the radio remote control transmitting module Al through the resistor R5. The 265MHz radio frequency generated by A1 is modulated, and the built-in antenna in the module
radiates the radio remote control signal directly into the air.
    In the receiver, A2 is a dedicated module for radio remote control reception. After receiving the 265MHz radio frequency remote control command from Al through the built-in antenna
, it undergoes internal demodulation, amplification, and shaping, and outputs an audio signal of approximately 10kHz from its output terminal OUT. The
signal is directly sent to the input pin 3 of the phase-locked loop audio decoder A3, and A3 performs audio decoding. When the decoding frequency fo=i/ (
I.l RP The light LED2 lights up and the transistor VT3 changes from cut-off to on , and a high-level signal is input to pin 6 of the dimming integrated circuit A4. When the high-level time is less than 339ms, the light switch operation of A4 can be performed, that is, Press the transmitter SB once (the pressing time is less than 339ms), the light H lights up: press SB again, the light H goes out. If the button press time exceeds 339ms, the stepless dimming operation will be performed. Release the button and the light brightness will be fixed.     The dotted line frame in the picture is the hand-touch dimming button on the switch box. Touching M with hand can also realize dimming or turning on and off the light. If you don't need the touch part, you can omit the circuit in the dotted box and just connect the 5th pin of A4 to the 1st pin.





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