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Asynchronous motor energy consumption braking control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:奥特man123 Keywords: Asynchronous motor energy consumption braking brake control circuit Updated: 2021/07/10

7.<strong>Asynchronous motor</strong><strong>Energy consumption braking</strong> control circuit.gif

Working principle of the circuit: When the AC contactor CJ is closed and the motor is powered on
, a pair of contacts of CJ short-circuit the thyristor vs, so vs is cut off. Contactor
CJ2 is attracted by the DC voltage provided by diode VDz, and is in a state of energy-consuming braking.
In the positive half wave of the power supply, the control poles of vs are menstrual, RP, C, VD. The trigger current is obtained and
turned on. The B and C phase windings of the motor pass through vS and cJ, and the contacts receive a half-wave rectified current.
CJ2 also maintains pull-in due to the half-wave current provided by vs. When the positive half-wave current ends, the U and
C phase windings generate induced potential again, which continues to flow through the normally closed contacts of VD4 and cJ. At the next
positive half cycle, vs turns on again, and 8. The C-phase winding gets half-wave current again. After
several cycles, C is full of charge, vs gets no trigger current and no longer conducts, completing
_r energy consumption control. move . CJ2 is released even if it does not receive current , which eliminates the possibility of vs turning on again




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