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Single-channel flashing light string circuit (1)

Source: InternetPublisher:smallembedded Keywords: Flashing light BSP low frequency oscillation Updated: 2021/09/16

238. Single-channel<strong>Flashing Light</strong>String<strong>Circuit</strong> (1).gif

A simple and easy-to-make single-channel flashing light string twister, which can make the strings flash. It can be used
in shops or home decorations.
    Readers who are interested in this may find that this switch
is very much like a thyristor. Level light training device, it is indeed a small mistake.
If the large capacitor (j) of the iL1 circuit is removed, E will be enough as a
voltage regulator. Now that there is a large capacitor C,
the charging time of 'E will be longer after the power is turned on. When the voltage at terminal C
reaches a certain value, C. It discharges through the gate of R: Lu product thyristor V1
, causing VT Jf to turn on, and the light string F lights up. When
the alternating current crosses zero, VT turns off and the lights go out. f, the fork reed
starts charging again and again, thus forming an ultra- low frequency oscillation , and the light flashes. Xifa 17. The flashing frequency of the circuit
is mainly determined by the time constants of R, and c_. According to the target data, the light string E On for 2s, off for 2s. If
the flashing frequency is accelerated, the U resistance can be reduced.
    VT should use a small plastic one-way tube with a smaller trigger current, such as 2N6565, etc. (j, ( . It is required
to use CBIj-160V polypropylene capacitors. The lamps are commercially available light strings in Caizhou, or they
are composed of small beads of the same specifications in series. The package power should be controlled below 100W.




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