Four-way flashing light string circuit (7)
Source: InternetPublisher:念慈菴 Keywords: flashing light BSP Updated: 2020/12/09
A four-way flashing light semi-controller with multiple cycle patterns and light-changing speeds , it is
an ideal control circuit for Sansa lanterns. The core component of the circuit is the SH-802 special integrated circuit It has
eight different flash patterns such as fading, running, jumping, downstream water, reverse water, and wave rolling, as well as six
dimming and light speeds. The program mode can be automatically cycled and changed, or can be set through the key control terminal. The chip
is packaged in DIP-Ii standard, and various shapes of black paste soft packages can also be customized according to user needs.
In the circuit, the power supply is rectified and rectified by V[)l
-VD1. After the voltage is reduced
and stabilized, the
DC voltage of approximately 5v is added to the integrated
block. terminal and supply
power to it. Yi obtains
the synchronization signal for the integrated block. R is
the external oscillation resistor of SH-SO?. R.
-R is the output resistance of SH-802
to drive VT1 ~
VT-1 thyristors (H|MCR100-S type). After power is turned on, the network lantern strings 1-:1~E4 will
change automatically and cyclically according to the program pattern stored in the chip
. Press the button SB to change the pattern manually. Each time you press SB,
the pattern will change.
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