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MPC1700 is used in open-loop control of DC motors

Source: InternetPublisher:念念Brown Keywords: DC motor open loop control PC pulse Updated: 2020/07/03

10. M<strong>PC</strong>1700 is used in<strong>DC motor</strong><strong>open loop control</strong>.gif

The smart power switch integrated circuit produced by MOTOROLA is named
SMARTMOS. Its high-side power switches (such as MPC1510) and low Ar! power switches
(such as MPC1700) are both in T0-220, 5-pin packages. The output power stage is N-channel
DMOS, and the control circuit is CMOS/BiCMOS. The drain-source breakdown
voltage of the MPC1700 output stage is 100V, and the normal operating current is 15A. The current limit is 22A.
M PC 1700 has PWM function. The internal oscillator generates a 0.45-4.5V ramp
voltage, and its frequency is determined by the external capacitor Cr connected to pin 2. The input voltage of pin 4 VIN
is compared with the ramp voltage in the PWM comparator to generate PWM pulses . The pulse duty cycle
is O-100%, which is consistent with the input voltage. . 45-4. sv changes into a good linear relationship
. Protection features include current limit, thermal limit and double pulse suppression. The final stage uses
a SENSEFET field effect transistor on the current detection side. Its special structure
converts the current signal into a voltage signal and sends it to the current limiting circuit, which is amplified and compared with the reference value. When there is overcurrent, a
reset pulse is generated to the R terminal of the flip-flop to limit the current. No external sampling
resistor is required, which simplifies the structure and reduces heat loss. Typical applications are open or closed loop control of small DC motors
for automotive, home appliances or industrial applications. The power supply voltage (pin 5) used
is 10.8-L6.5V. Its application circuit is shown in Figure 11 1 4.
    TPD1008S and TPD1009S are high-side power switches produced by Toshiba Corporation of Japan.
They have overcurrent, overheating, and overvoltage protection functions, as well as output open circuit or short circuit diagnosis
functions, and output fault signals. There is also a voltage clamp (-12V) at the output end. )Protect.




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