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The production of "Walkman" power connector 02

Source: InternetPublisher:ghaytweyhtoo Keywords: Radiator BSP two-channel TDA1521 Updated: 2020/12/07

67. Production of "Walkman" power connector 02.gif

When TDA15 21 is working, a heat sink plate with an area of ​​120mm×50mm needs to be added. In amateur conditions,
scraps of aluminum-plated gold doors and windows can be used. Since the ⑤ pin of TDA1521 is connected to its own radiator and has been connected to a negative voltage, be careful not to
short-circuit the radiator to the same ground during production. b. It is best to apply a layer of thermally conductive silicone grease on the contact surface between TDA1521
and the radiator.     If greater power output is required As shown in Figure 5-89, the power amplifier circuit 6 made
TDA1514 "Southern Whale" YD1768X (8, Q, 80W) YDQG20--8F (8fl, 30W) speakers were tried . The sound was transparent and pure, and the bass was full and thick . The treble is clear and bright, and has the charm of a tube amplifier. When the power supply voltage is ±25V, Ri. - 8fl, the output power can reach 50w, which is enough to meet the needs of home listening. Since the two-channel circuit is the same, only one circuit is drawn in Figure 5-90. The printed circuit board has been designed as a two-channel structure and shares a set of power supplies. When TDA1514A is working, a heat sink with a large enough area is still required to ensure long-term operation. It is advisable not to be hot to use. The @ pin of the TDA1514A is connected to the radiator itself. During use, be careful not to ground the radiator . Since two TDA1514As work at the same time, if you want to listen to music at high power for a long time, a toroidal transformer of about 200W will be better.




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