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Phase-shift trigger circuit of six thyristors in three-phase fully controlled bridge circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:containsmachine Keywords: Three-phase fully controlled bridge thyristor phase-shift trigger trigger circuit Updated: 2021/12/09

2. Phase-shifting<strong>trigger circuit</strong> of six<strong>thyristors</strong> in the<strong>three-phase fully controlled bridge</strong> circuit.gif

Application Examples The unique structure of KJ004 enables it to be used as a phase-shift triggering
integrated circuit for thyristors in single-phase bridge, three-phase barrier bridge or half-controlled bridge thyristor rectification and three-phase AC voltage regulation systems . Figure 12-4 gives an example of this application. In the picture, three pieces of KJ004, one piece of KJ041 and one piece of KJ042 cooperate to complete the phase-shift triggering function of the six thyristors in the three-phase bridge type fully controlled rectifier circuit . The output of the rectifier circuit is directly supplied to the DC motor to realize the armature voltage and speed regulation function. . In the figure, KJ042 is used to generate high -frequency modulated pulses, while KJ041 is used to complete double pulse formation to ensure that the trigger pulse added to the gate of each thyristor is a double narrow pulse, "satisfying the resistance, inductance or back electromotive force load to trigger Different requirements for pulse width. PI-P in Figure 12-4b are the waveforms of each pin of KJ004. A. Xia Ai is the collector output of the power amplification transistor vm V. corresponding to phase A , and is pulsed The trigger pulse waveform added to the thyristor after shaping by the transformer .




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