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Isolation technology that maximizes power efficiency and minimizes radiation

Source: InternetPublisher:桂花蒸 Keywords: adi power supply and other power circuits Updated: 2020/11/16

The ADuM4122 is an isolated dual drive strength output driver with iCoupler® technology, allowing designers to take full advantage of higher efficiency power switching technologies.


According to the International Energy Agency, motor drive systems consume 40% of global electricity consumption. Improvements in motor efficiency will bring widespread economic and environmental benefits. As the adoption of industrial automation and IoT in smart factories continues to increase, more smart technologies and features need to be incorporated into the system to ensure maximum efficiency. The ADuM4122 is the first simple solution to achieve this, controlling the current to the motor by controlling on the fly how quickly a MOSFET or IGBT turns on or off on user command.

“For a secure, connected enterprise, flexibility and efficiency are key. Previously, typical solutions have opted for gate driver strength to ensure compliance with EM system regulations at all operating points, meaning systems were often over-engineered. , but underutilized,” said Mack Lund, director of interface and isolation technologies at Analog Devices. “Now, users can dynamically transition from slower to faster switches to optimize EM emissions without sacrificing efficiency.” In other words, when you're trying to reduce radiation and power consumption, you no longer need to sacrifice performance."

The new ADuM4122 is a simple dual drive strength output driver that efficiently switches between two slew rates controlled by a digital signal. Compared to today's discrete solutions or complex integrated solutions that have 20 or more pins, the ADuM4122 is smaller with only 8 pins and can be used in a variety of operating conditions.




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