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Wideband ALC amplifier with 50MHz-3dB wideband, 20dB compression characteristics

Source: InternetPublisher:闪电杰克 Keywords: broadband amplifier BSP Updated: 2021/08/02

12. Wideband ALC<strong>amplifier</strong> with 50MHz-3dB<strong>wideband</strong> and 20dB compression characteristics.gif

The car circuit uses a wideband amplifier
lC (TL0216) whose amplification can be controlled by an external voltage; thus it has a compression characteristic of 2udB b:
    In the input circuit, the resistor marked with ★ is to reduce the input level (when
the input level is - 26 ~-6dB or more) and added. When driving a 50Q load,
because it is difficult for TL026 to obtain a large output amplitude,
a push-pull buffer amplifier composed of transistors is added to the circuit to reduce the negative torque of TL026.
    The output of TL026 is differential. If the load resistance is not equal, the frequency characteristics
will change, so lead 5 is connected to 0 and R. oThe potential difference between leads 2 and 7
can control the amplification factor. Due to DC drift,
OP amplifier A8 is used. The diode port rectifies the output and
compares it with the reference voltage (VRi output). The diode Dz is
added to compensate for the temperature characteristics.




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