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Practical current feedback integrated amplifier 03

Source: InternetPublisher:spectrum Keywords: Power amplifier current feedback BSP Updated: 2020/07/08

12. Practical <strong>current feedback</strong> combined <strong>power amplifier</strong>03.gif

The tone circuit uses LM 1036 from NS Company in the United States .
    The front-end uses high-quality audio tubes to form a large-loop feedback circuit, and the resolution is significantly improved compared to the op-amp front-end. The primary is the emitter, and
the resistor-capacitor network of the emitter can effectively stabilize the DC operating point. It can also communicate smoothly. The pre-reverse amplification gain is 7dBO.
    The power amplifier circuit uses the new DMOS product TDA7294 of the famous European SGS company. This integrated block has extremely low noise and distortion
, and comes with mute, standby, overheating protection, and short-circuit protection. The working voltage of the circuit port is plus or minus 10V to plus or minus 40v. According to Figure 6-15, it
is connected into a current feedback circuit t and uses an op amp NE5 ,532 form a DC servo circuit to stabilize the zero position of the midpoint voltage of the output . The tone is more mellow and has a "bold" taste. The tone and pre-power supply are stabilized
by a highly stable mirror constant current source and an extremely low-noise light-emitting diode.
voltage, and then the Darlington sampling composed of high-quality audio tubes outputs a stable and strong current. The circuit is shown in Figure 6-16. Practice has proved
that using this power supply to power the LM 1036 and the front is better than the three-terminal voltage stabilization effect.




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