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120W power amplifier with detailed treble

Source: InternetPublisher:spectrum Keywords: Power amplifier BSP Updated: 2021/04/29

45. 120W<strong>power amplifier with delicate treble</strong>.gif

This machine is mainly composed of pre-promoter stage and power amplifier circuit. The circuit is shown in Figure 9-82. ICl (NE5532) serves as
pre- amplifier and tone control; C3, C5, and cii are used to enhance the treble without causing the microphone to whistle. It is a key component of howling . If C5 is enlarged,
it will produce a howling phenomenon. C3 can reproduce high-pitched signals such as subtle "cha-cha" sounds and H-ding sounds. However, when it is too large,
the high-pitched sound will be attenuated. 6 cll is also the main component that provides the treble path . If cii is invested, the treble will be difficult to
be attenuated through R9. The lack of any one of these three capacitors will cause the loss of some treble components. The power
amplifier push stage is composed of VT1, VT2, etc., among which C12, C13, and C14 are bass boost compensation
capacitors . Due to the amplification and promotion effect of VT1 and VT2, the bass output is rich and powerful
without loss of treble.
    Icz is a module for high-power field effect tube to output sow power in the rear stage. As
shown in Figure 9-83. Since the parallel load value of this machine is about 3fl, the output power can reach
more than 120W. The frontal response range of AMP 1×80W is between 10Hz ~ 60kHz, and the playback frequency is very
wide. If The TDA2030A, which has a lower frequency response, has difficulty
reproducing certain high-frequency components.




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