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High output voltage regulated power supply

Source: InternetPublisher:containsmachine Keywords: Regulated power supply output voltage BSP Updated: 2021/03/31

23.<strong>Regulated power supply</strong> with high<strong>output voltage</strong>.gif

It is a high output voltage regulated power supply.
    General integrated voltage stabilizers are only suitable for situations where the output voltage is below 30V. However, using the CW317 integrated voltage stabilizer
, connected into a floating circuit, and adding appropriate protection components, can form a high-voltage voltage stabilizer
with an output voltage higher than 100v. Pressure power supply .
    It can be seen from the basic circuit of the voltage regulator that as long as the resistance of R2 is increased ,
a high output voltage can be obtained. Under normal circumstances,
the voltage that the voltage regulator CW317 can withstand is not high, and most of the output voltage
is applied to R2. In order to prevent the integrated voltage
regulator itself from being damaged due to excessive voltage at the moment of startup,
a voltage regulator tube VD for protection needs to be connected between its output and input A terminal.
The voltage regulator value of this tube must be less than the withstand voltage of CW317 value (such as ≤35V) oThe output voltage
    in Figure 7-23 is as high as 150V, in which the resistance of Rc is 7200 and the resistance of Rz is 85 - 70,0. This circuit cannot work under no-load. If no-load is required, To maintain a stable voltage when loading, the value of Ri must not be greater than 240n, but the power consumption of Rz is very large at this time, so you need to pay attention during use.





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