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Motor reverse switch control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:smallembedded Keywords: switch motor switch control circuit BSP Updated: 2020/07/16

15. Reverse<strong><strong>switch</strong> control circuit of<strong>motor</strong>.gif

The reverse switches used by Purple include H23. 132 type and QXl. 13M/4.5 type. The control circuit
is shown in Figure 4-15.
    The reverse switch has 6 terminals: I, 1, L2 and L3 are connected to the i-phase power supply respectively, and U1, Vl
and Wl are connected to the motor respectively. The handle of the reverse switch has three positions; when the handle is in the stop position
, the two sets of movable contacts of the switch are not in contact with the static contacts, so the circuit is blocked and the motor does not
rotate. When the handle is moved to the forward rotation position, the contacts A, B, C, and F are closed, and the motor is powered on and
runs in the forward direction. When the motor needs to run in the reverse direction, the reverse switch handle can be moved to the reverse rotation
position , at this time, the A, B, D, and E contacts are connected, and the motor reverses the phase.
    If you want to reverse the motor when it is in forward rotation during use, you must first move the handle
to the stop position to stop it, and then move the handle to the reverse position to make it reverse. The reverse
switch is generally suitable for motor control circuits below 4. 5kW .




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