Electronic dice circuit based on CD4017
Source: InternetPublisher:elleny Keywords: CD4017 electric dice Updated: 2025/01/14
Dice is very famous all over the world as there are many games using it. The purpose of the dice is to select a number at random and play the game based on the selected number. But when using the original dice, there is a possibility that the player can cheat the opponent with the spinning technique. The circuit provided above can be used to avoid cheating as it depends on pressing a button.
Working principle of electronic dice circuit:
The working of the circuit starts with an astable multivibrator using a simple 555 timer IC. This gives a series of clock pulses as output. The frequency of the output pulses depends on the resistor and capacitor connected to the IC 555. You can choose the resistor and capacitor connected to 555 as you wish but make sure that the frequency is high enough to hide from the human eye.
IC 4017 is the next part of the circuit. IC 4017 also known as Johnson Counter is able to count the input pulses fed to its CLK pin and with every increment of the clock cycle, a high signal is output from Q0 to Q9. That is, on the first positive edge of the cycle, the output Q0 pin provides a logic high level during the second edge, Q1, and continues till Q9. This logic forms the backbone of the above circuit.
The six LEDs are arranged from 1 to 6, where the position of each LED represents the amount that can be pulled from the chip. A 470 ohm current limiting resistor is added to limit the current and protect the circuit from damage.
Initially, when the rotary switch is on, the output of the ICC 555 will be high and static. However, the moment the button is pressed, the LEDs start to operate due to the high frequency input of the 555. When the rotary button is released, random LEDs light up and the position of the numbers represents the number drawn from the chip. You can play games with the numbers drawn from it.
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