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PCB schematic diagram reverse derivation step method

Source: InternetPublisher:newrudeman Keywords: PCB pcb design Updated: 2020/01/29

Many people know about PCB, so how do you reverse it? There is a lot of experience and knowledge about PCB circuits on the Internet, which is dizzying. Issues such as signal integrity will definitely make you dizzy. What exactly does a PCB engineer need to do? Let’s find out together. After reading this article, I believe you will understand.

1. General idea

When designing a PCB circuit, you need to understand the big picture, but it is not easy to do this. Some large frameworks may have been thought up by others, and you just implement the ideas; but for some you need to design the framework yourself, so you need to figure out what functions you want to achieve, and then look for reference circuits that can achieve the same or similar functions. plate.

PCB schematic diagram reverse derivation step method

2. Understand the circuit

If you find the reference design, you can save a lot of time (including early design and post-debugging). Taking the time to understand it can improve your circuit understanding and avoid design errors. It doesn’t matter if you don’t find the reference design. First identify the large IC chip, look for the datasheet, and see if its key parameters meet the requirements. What are the required key parameters, and whether you can understand these key parameters are all reflections of the PCB engineer’s ability. , which also needs to be accumulated slowly over a long period of time.

3. Schematic design

Hardware circuit design mainly consists of three parts, schematic diagram, PCB, and bill of materials (BOM) table. Schematic diagram design is to convert the previous ideas into circuit schematic diagrams. PCB involves the actual circuit board, which is a netlist converted from the schematic diagram (the netlist is the bridge between the schematic diagram and the PCB), and the packages of specific components are placed on the circuit board, and then based on the fly wire to connect its electrical signals. After completing the PCB layout and wiring, it is necessary to summarize which components will be used. The BOM table will be used here.

4. Design tools

Protel, that is, Altium, is easy to use and is relatively popular in China. It is sufficient for general work and is suitable for beginner designers. By understanding the original PCB schematic diagram, it is so simple to reverse the steps. It is not difficult to learn anything as long as you know the idea. Everyone needs to continuously accumulate experience during the design process.




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