Home > Control Circuits >Motor Control > Breeze block circuit using capacitor to reduce voltage

Breeze block circuit using capacitor to reduce voltage

Source: InternetPublisher:石榴姐 Keywords: Capacitor BSP Reactor Updated: 2021/12/22

1. Windshield<strong>circuit</strong> using<strong>capacitor</strong> to step down the voltage.gif

Most of the speed regulators of household electric fans use reactors to step down the speed and use a switch to connect different taps of the reactor
to adjust the speed. However, when sleeping at night, even if it is set to the slowest speed, the air volume is still too large. Therefore, various methods can be used to achieve breeze protection. The
    electric fan windshield circuit using a capacitor to step down the voltage is shown in Figure 3-1. That is, a capacitor is connected in series with the original reactive speed regulator
. The capacitor can be CBB22 or CJ41 type 2-3peF, 630V.




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