Home > Basic Circuits >Basic Practical Circuits > Dual 50W digital amplifier TDA8902J

Dual 50W digital amplifier TDA8902J

Source: InternetPublisher:王达业 Keywords: Digital amplifier TDA8902J Updated: 2024/07/18

TDA8902J is a 2×50W stereo digital power amplifier IC recently launched by Philips. Its main technical indicators: power supply ±10V~±40V, typical operating voltage is ±25V; static current is about 35mA; when the power supply voltage is ±25V and the load is 8Ω, the output power is 2×30W; when the power supply voltage is ±30V, it can output 2×50W; when the signal frequency f is 1kHz and the output is 1W, the distortion is 0.1%, and the total harmonic distortion is 0.2%; the voltage gain is 30dB; the switching frequency is 500kHz. It is very suitable for use as an amplifier in high-end audio equipment.
  If TDA8901J is connected to BTL state, the power supply voltage is ±25V, and the maximum output power is about 130W.
  The figure below shows the internal structure of the IC and the 2×50W application circuit.
Dual 50W digital amplifier TDA8902J




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