VICOR engineers invite you to chat: How to improve the throughput and running time of automatic test equipment?
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Factories’ demand for more efficient testing capabilities continues to increase
Semiconductor manufacturers are placing greater demands on automatic test equipment (ATE) companies to quickly and reliably design test systems that meet the growing demand for ICs, with minimal incremental cost. IC manufacturers view the cost of test (CoT) as a cost-added item that is deducted from product profits when necessary, but requires increasing factory floor space without accelerating cycle time and increasing yields. ATE system manufacturers need to develop test systems to meet the technical requirements of new IC products without incurring yield losses, and occupying the same or less factory floor space as the next generation is replaced.
High-density, high-efficiency power modules
High-density and high-efficiency Vicor power modules enable ATE system design engineers to implement new power delivery network (PDN) architectures, allowing for increased test head pin counts on the same or smaller test head size. New data center, military, automotive and industrial ICs consume increasing amounts of power and come in a variety of different voltages. Vicor's modular approach to PDNs enables ATE manufacturers to easily scale power and support different voltages for rapid development and fast time to market.
The benefits of a better way to power your business
How to improve the throughput and uptime of automatic test equipment? Click here>>> Chat with VICOR engineers !